Talk:Thoven's Character Sheet (3.5e)

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Revision as of 15:40, 10 May 2010 by Detarame (talk | contribs)
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Hey, he chose a familiar! Now he needs to actually get it! -Slitherrr

He's gonna go the Improved Familiar route. Niice.-Slitherrr
Is he? I figured "Spell Focus: Evocation" --absalom 11:40, 10 May 2010 (EDT)

8x4 = 32 total

Bluff: 4 + Concentration: 8 + Forgery (CC): 4 + Knowledge (History) (CC): 2 + Listen (CC): 4+ Spellcraft: 6 + Spot (CC): 6 = 34. He probably didn't think Knowledge (History) was cross-class for a magical guy, although that still leaves a point unaccounted-for. -Slitherrr

It's also possible that the Spot 3 actually comes from his familiar, in which case he has four more points to spend. -Slitherrr

All I moved over were the ranks for just this reason. i had the feeling there were lots of skill mistakes, it's why I moved all the ranks to the wiki. Thanks for the counts. We'll compile them and put them in the forum. -gm
Indeed, pleased to be of service. -Slitherrr