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This article is "non-canon". "Non-canon" articles are articles on things that mostly exist for storage/discussion purposes. They might be draft ideas for later inclusion, pet stories, or completely off-the-wall stuff posted just for the sake of not forgetting it later.

I'ipi (singular, I'ipis, but called Geckoloids by the few people who are aware they exist) are the gecko counterpart to the Ssel'it's crocodilian aspect. They are small and comparatively prolific, but with relatively short lifespans and a more "instinctive" life outlook. Where Ssel'it are interested in art for the preservation of knowledge, I'ipi art and culture is largely associated with ephemera, grading displays not only on their elaborateness, but the speed at which they deteriorate into oblivion. I'ipi songs are constantly mutating to reflect the current culture, and while the historicity of any tradition on the Mainland must be weighed against current modes of thought, the I'ipi take this to a whole new level.

They typically inhabit rainforest areas, making great use of their Expert Climber abilities to get the drop on their adversaries from the canopy.

PC Characteristics

  • Small size
  • Dex +2, Wis +2, Int -2
  • Xenophobic - I'ipi receive only their local language (Yayay) as a starting language
  • Natural Armor (ex) - +1 natural armor bonus to AC
  • Expert climber (ex) - I'ipi have Climb Speed (20'). They receive +16 to Climb checks, don't have to make climb checks except in really severe circumstances, can always take 10 even when in danger, and can cling to walls and ceilings as long as there are handholds (basically, non-magical spiderclimb, except without the smooth surfaces)
  • Sticky fingers (ex) - Get a +2 racial bonus to steal or disarm combat maneuvers when unarmed (or through the Sticky Tongue ability, see below)
  • Small sticky tongue (ex) - Can use tongue to make a steal or disarm combat maneuver with a 10' reach. This provokes an attack of opportunity as normal, and if any damage is taken from the AoO, this ability is not available again until the I'ipis receives healing of some sort.

Deep I'ipi

  • Some I'ipi are known to have retreated deep into the caves of the Mainland, where their climbing aptitudes give them great maneuverability compared to many of the other inhabitants. These exist as above, but gain Darkvision (60') and Light blindness (abrupt exposure to bright light blinds them for 1 rd, and dazzles them on subsequent rounds while the exposure continues)