Category:Mefighter Gamma Team

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an unborn and untested group.


Astrid (an Alchemist2(Metallurgist))
Bel (a Slayer1(Vanguard) / Investigator1(Empiricist))
Mell (a Rogue1 / Paladin1)
a bard?
a hunter or shaman

Notable Deeds

Language Aptitudes

Languages by Member(x=free, X=int bonus, *=linguistics point
Ubrekti(common) Celesti Flaneri Fresian Odessan Dwarven Hakni Halfling Sidhe Orc Unassigned
Astrid (6) x x X XXX
Bel (7) x X X X X x *
Mell (4) x x X x

Skill Aptitude
