Mattsters of the Mattiverse Session 19
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- The group ventured to Wydmoor after gearing up, invaded a guardhouse, then scarpered off back into the wilderness.
Alternate Infiltration
- After recuperating, it is day.
- Edi notices Wyverns with orcs patrolling the skies
- The party decides strolling around in the day is less than ideal
- Some thinking is thought and they figure on a sewer connection from the crater that is all that's left of Magus Keep
- Turns out to be a solid thought. There's a quick climbing minigame and the party breaches the sewers
The Welcoming Party
- A long tunnel finally emerges into the sewers proper. For a sewer, it's actually quite clean, no doubt thanks to the severely reduced population aboveground
- Russ, with darkvision and armor that doesn't jangle and scrape on everything, takes the lead. The pattern is that he will go to roughly the edge of Gokar's vision, then signal the party the all clear so they can catch up.
- Almost immediately, they hit a river. Russ is stoked
- The river is occupied, though! A fight happens!
- Otyughs! But greasy and necrotic. They are the corpsefeaster variant, and there are eventually four of them, although they take a while to filter in
- Long tentacles reach and grab
- Otyugh welcoming party: 1200 xp to all
- 4 Corpsefeaster Otyughs
- Rat nest: 735 xp to all
- 4 Dire Rats
- 4 Rat Swarms
- Ring of Reth's water aspect (+3 swim, +1 enhancement bonus to natural armor, a silver ring with an emerald cut in the shape of a turtle's shell)
- Otyugh lair: 2600 xp to all
- 1 Suffering Barbarian otyugh
- 3 Corpsefeaster Otyughs
- 3 Oozing Otyughs