Talk:Masked Gnome's Ring
So when faced with a mixed pile of enumerables, can one specify what is getting counted, and count each group in turn? If that's the case, maybe it's possible to accept the entire group as a "like class of objects", and thus count the heterogenous group as well? I guess it really depends on the definition of "similar"--for example, how different from the other rocks in a pile does an individual rock have to be not to be like the others? There could be arkose sandstone in a pile with quartz arenites, for example.
This incidentally brings up another question. In the previous example, it might take a geologist (or someone with easy Wikipedia access) to note the difference between the rocks. Does the ability to count depend on the ability of the wearer to note the differences in objects? Like, we might see just a pile of Wydmoor electrum, but would Kleptinax, for example, separate the electrum into coins from different mintages? -Slitherrr 10:38, 14 December 2009 (EST)