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Kimika d'Earling is a halfling cleric. She is 3'6", 60 lbs, and 22 years old. She has blonde hair that she prefers to wear in pigtails, including under her priestess coif during high church. She has medium blue eyes and light olive skin. (As soon as Mattie tells Matt how to turn on file uploading, there will be pictures here. -grin-)


Kimika may have joined the party when she was 22, but she had already begun a life of adventure previously.

Early Years

Kimika is the third-youngest of 18 (known) children. Her father and mother are a part of the larger Proudfoot clan which travels quarterly around Odessa. Her father is a shepherd whose parentage is unknown, and was welcomed into the Proudfoot clan as one of their own. However, as he was not a blood relation, he was simply given the name of Tomas. He met Angeline d'Earling, a halfling from a large riverboating clan, and the two were married. As is Odessan halfling tradition, Angeline joined Tomas' clan but Tomas took Angeline's last name. A few months after they were married, they welcomed a son into the world and continued to grow their large clan.

Kimika's siblings (that she knows of) are as follows: (in birth order)

  • Falan
  • Celee
  • Madiera
  • Antioch
  • Valencia
  • Simman
  • Astaresk
  • Axeclamaeshin
  • Amphersannd
  • Powndsighend
  • Persentaje
  • Carrot
  • Dollersine
  • Hifen
  • Skrol
  • Kimika
  • Brooke
  • Amana

This may be an incomplete list as Kimika's mother may have had more children after Kimika left home. She has not spoken to her family in 8 years due to the fact that they are transient and therefore difficult to contact.

When Kim was 8, there was a small stampede while the clan was travelling due to some of the more rowdy children startling the animals. Kimika was nearly trampled and, because of this, has a strong dislike of large crowds due to fear of being trampled. It was also then that Kimika, already disheartened and disappointed with being virtually ignored due to her large family, decided to leave when she was able.

Leaving Home

When Kimika was 14, some priestesses visited the clan to evangelize to them. They spoke of theological training and Kimika, desperate to leave home, convinced her family to let her join them. The priestesses trained her and eventually returned to Wydmoore with her. She had just turned 15 and was