Talk:Proposed Feats

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Revision as of 14:45, 29 December 2009 by Msallen (talk | contribs)
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The first two sprung forth from my twisted brain, the second two I found after a bit of searching on the D&D wiki. I tried to model the first two on the Cleave chain. Since Cleave only happens on the relatively constricted event of an opponent's death, the Great Trip is more useful, so I put in the -4 per extra opponent restriction to try to even it up. -Slitherrr

Of course, the continued -4 per opponent makes it start to be pretty useless after a couple of enemies. Perhaps Grand Trip should reduce it to -2. -Slitherrr

Hey Msallen, Matt said to point the combat intimidation feat to you. We're both of the opinion that it's overpowered as written, with a further addendum from him that a free action adds a whole lot of dice rolls. By itself, though, the Fighter class skill Intimidate could use a boost, like Improved Feint does with that. Perhaps cut it to making Intimidate checks as a move action, and ditch the demoralize all who are threatened capability? It's hard to weigh the effect of the saving throw and attack roll debuff against the DC loss and ability to perform sneak attacks, so such a feat might need a little more oomph to roll with that crowd. -Slitherrr

I think I'm with you guys. Actually looking at it briefly, the intimidate combat use might be better than bluff. I only have limited info here at work, but it looks like this is the breakdown:
demoralize: shaken (-2 attacks, saves, and ability checks) for 1 round
feint: flat-footed (no dex bonus, sneak attackable) for the feinting player's next attack
I'm not sure if I've got it wrong, but it looks like bluff only works for the player using the skill, whereas everyone gets the benefit of the intimidate use. In which case, I would think that making the demoralize a move action will bring it in line in terms of power with the feint feat. The AoE intimidate, and perhaps also a 'flat-footed for a round' bluff feat, would be good improved versions.