Talk:Kib Absold's Character Sheet

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Leveling notes (for my reference)


  • 1: Prof 1(prof bonus feat:negotiator, standard feat: imp unarmed, human feat: combat reflexes, FRW: +2/+3/+1, BAB: +0)
  • 2: Prof 2(canny defense, FRW: +2/+4/+2, BAB: +1)
  • 3: Fighter 1(fighter bonus feat: combat expertise, standard feat: imp trip, FRW: +4/+4/+2, BAB: +2)
  • 4: Prof 3(stat point: +1 INT, prof bonus feat: forceful personality, FRW: +5/+4/+4, BAB: +3)
  • 5: Prof 4 (uncanny dodge, FRW: +5/+5/+5, BAB: +4)
  • 6: Prof 5 (standard feat: endurance, prof bonus feat: sf(diplo) OR self-sufficient OR persuasive, FRW: +5/+5/+5, BAB: +4)
  • 7: Prof 6 (leadership training, FRW: +6/+6/+6, BAB: +5)
  • 8: Prof 7 (prof bonus feat: sf(diplo) OR self-sufficient OR persuasive, stat point: TBD (probably cha), FRW: +6/+6/+6, BAB: +6/+1)
  • 9: Field Marshall 1 (standard feat: hold the line OR die-hard, heroic rally, commanding presence(skill checks), FRW: +8/+6/+8, BAB: +7/+2)
  • 10: Field Marshall 2 (imp leadership, commanding presence (saves and init), FRW: +9/+6/+9, BAB: +8/+3)
  • 11: Prof 8 (tactical competence, FRW: +9/+7/+10, BAB: +9/+4)
  • 12: Prof 9 (stat point: TBD (probably cha), prof bonus feat: lightning reflexes, standard feat: blind-fight OR improved grapple OR imp initiative OR weapon focus (guisarme),FRW: +10/+9/+11, BAB: +9/+4)
  • 13: Field Marshall 3 (keen awareness, commanding presence(ac), FRW: +10/+10/+11 BAB: +10/+5)
  • 14: Prof 10 (prof development (mettle or slippery mind or imp uncanny dodge), FRW: +10/+11/+12, BAB: +11/+6/+1)
  • 15: Field Marshall 4 (standard feat: blind-fight OR improved grapple OR imp initiative OR weapon focus(guisarme), commanding presence(to hit/damage), commanding presence range increase, FRW: +11/+11/+13, BAB: +12/+7/+2)
  • 16: Field Marshall 5 (stat point: TBD, inspiration,FRW: +11/+12/+13, BAB: +13/+8/+3)

  • 17: Prof 11 OR Sentinel 1 OR Rogue 1
  • 18: Prof 12 OR Sentinel 2 OR Rogue 2 (standard feat: blind-fight OR improved grapple OR imp initiative)
  • 19: Prof 13 OR Sentinel 3 OR Rogue 3
  • 20: Prof 14 OR Sentinel 4 OR Rogue 4 (stat point: TBD)


Keep Diplomacy, Intimidate, Spot, Listen, Sense Motive capped. Add at least 1 point each to the three knowledges by level 8. Add to the next as points permit (highest priority first): Heal, Bluff, Use Rope, Swim, Climb, Survival, Speak Language (as appropriate, but the more the merrier), Ride (up to whatever gives +10, +15 or +20, depending on how much mounts become a part of the campaign). Possibly work in points in hide, move silently, escape artist, etc. (but generally, hope for the thief to have those covered).

-- Ok, that finally adds up. Changing level 1 Int means a lot of record-keeping, but it's all straight now. I added Gnomish rather than the probably-more-likely Fresian just to keep from having to retcon the encounter with Diamon Pegg. Skills are straight, too, I added them like eight times. -Slitherrr

Hey, so, the Field Marshall and the Professional now both have abilities that give INT bonus to AC, but in different ways. How will we handle that? -Slitherrr