Anise's Character Sheet (3.5e)

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Character Stats
Level 2
Race Human
Class Ranger
Armor Masterwork Studded Leather
Weapon(s) Masterwork Composite Longbow (+2), Longsword
Hometown Someplace, Odessa

Player: Feantari
Name: Anise Breckt
Classes/Levels: Ranger 2
Race: Human
Alignment: CN
Origin: Someplace, Odessa
Residence: Currently none



STR: 14
DEX: 16
CON: 8
INT: 14
WIS: 14
CHA: 10


Hit Points 13 7 + 6
Armor Class 16 +3 MW Studded Leather, +3 Dex bonus
Base Attack Bonus +2 +2 Ranger
Initiative +3 +3 Dex
Base Speed 30 ft
Fort Save +2 +3 Ranger, -1 Stat
Reflex Save +6 +3 Ranger, +3 Stat
Will Save +2 +2 Stat




Skill Bonus Bonus Derivation
Craft (Bowyer) 4 ranks
Heal 2 ranks
Hide 2 ranks
Knowledge (nature) 2 ranks
Knowledge (geography) 4 ranks
Listen 4 ranks
Move Silently 4 ranks
Search 2 ranks
Spot 4 ranks
Survival 4 rank

Feats and Special Abilities

Standard Feats

Point Blank Shot

Human Bonus Feats

Ranger Bonus Feats

Class abilities

Armor Prof. (Light)
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Simple Weapon Proficiency

Level Progression

Level 1: Ranger

Base F/R/W: +2/+2/+0
BAB: +1
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Light Armor Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency
Languages: Odessan, Ubrekti, Dwarven Skills: ((8 + 2) * 4) = points

Craft (Bowyer) 4 ranks
Heal 2 ranks
Hide 2 ranks
Knowledge (nature) 2 ranks
Knowledge (geography) 4 ranks
Listen 4 ranks
Move Silently 4 ranks
Search 2 ranks
Spot 4 ranks
Survival 4 rank

Level 2: Ranger

Base F/R/W: +3/+3/+0
BAB: +2
Class Abilities: Archery Combat Style (Rapid Shot)
Skills: + (8 + 2) = points

Craft (Bowyer) 4 ranks
Heal 2 ranks
Hide 2 ranks
Knowledge (nature) 2 ranks
Knowledge (geography) 4 ranks
Listen 4 ranks
Move Silently 4 ranks
Search 2 ranks
Spot 4 ranks
Survival 4 rank