The Azure Geese
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Human Professional 1
A young man who's working-class parents convinced a benefactor to sponsor a Primary Measure education and an apprenticeship with a doctor. Once he learned enough, he moved to Wydmoor Free City to find work. He has been building a client base among middle- and lower-class citizens. It didn't pay much, but it covered a modest life. When the fire displaced him, he contributed to the relief effort and worked with Germain and the Silverwalkers. He has even begun to adventure into the swamp to help provide food and materials for the refugees.
attributes | str 12, dex 10, con 14, int 14, wis 17, cha 13 |
saves | fort +2, ref +2, will +5 |
skills | bluff +5, craft (alchemy) +6, diplomacy +5, gather info +5, heal +9, jump +3, knowledge (nature) +3, listen +7, profession (master doctor), ride +2, search +7, spot +7, survival +7, swim +5 |
feats | self sufficient, |