Silverwalkers Quest Notes 2010-12-05
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In Our Last Episode
2 Period of Renewal
- The lizard chieftain is revived! He is very grateful.
Al acquires lizard man tattoo, it takes the place of bracers forever
In this Episode
3 Period of Renewal
- Edrell sends us a message
- We wait
- Naprid conversation
- War room is in chaos
- Big questions about who is in charge
- Ralth is unwilling to declare himself leader
- Big question is one of civil order
- Mayor was 20-30 years head of the strongest block of noble families
- Now noble families are infighting to decide who is going to be the leader
- Defense of city is being handled outside of the city, so outside of internal chaos
- City guard is keeping street fights under control
- Refugees are being run off and ignored by both armies, pinned-in at the landing
- Slings/rocks drive the refugees off
- Guardian(s) are alive in the evil temple, according to Chieftain
- Probably bad for people, will kill us
- Party begins heading over to the temple
- Party finds a very charred body, charred beyond recognition
- Found marks in the mud where something came up out of the water
- Party keeps going and finds a dead body that choked on poison gas
- Party finds BLUE GUARDIAN which is a huge turtle
- Blue headed and clawed turtle
- Probably >10 Tonnes in weight, larger than a dumptruck.
- Turtle opens huge maw and issues blast of electrical energy [12d6 Damage, DC 21 Reflex for 1/2]
- Hits most of the party, knocks Kimika unconscious
- Germain hastes everyone
- Mose picks up Kimika
- Quinalin runs down from tree
- Party makes camp
- Party is ambushed by entangle in mid night
- Mose summons Way
- Al turns into a bear and rushes them
- Flaming sphere burns on LE
- Orc attack entangles people and hurts a bunch, but we kill many of them and they run away
- Edrell sends a message:
- Party goes back to bed
- Near dawn, there's more sound coming
- Party is surrounded again by orc warriors
- All the party is awakened by another ambush
- Orc ambush lots of entangle
- Al almost dies
- Way almost dies
- Party smashes a lot of orcs
- Helen makes awesome ranged heals buried in vines
- Orcs and party runs away from guardians
- Party heads off to outside the swamp to the Alexian plains
- We bury ourselves in a big badger warren underground and try to get sleep
- We hear digging and prepare for battle
- Greeted by a halfling member of the Dark Carinval and his dog, Garndr
- Party is really sad about the fact that our casters (Kimika) can't get enough sleep to get their spells back
- Garndr gives us direction to the Carnival and we can go there soon.
- Finally everyone is rested.
- Party wants to go to the Carnival
- Population: of ~200 halflings with 3-4 dozen dogs, and a dozen or more ponies, two dozen carts, 18 halfling outriders with lances, roving salesman
- Rolling homestead
- They sell potions and scrolls of 3rd level or below, no markup,
- OOC: Members of the Carnival (and others) on the mainland are on the lookout for elves. Some particular elf.
XP Awards: 60xp for escape turtle 70xp for Germain and Kimika 133xp 175xp for lower 400xp 500xp for lower
Total: 593xp 745xp for lower level
Final GM message
- Germain also went into town, and can buy items or even fence art or other valuable items.
- If Quinalin wants to retcon some purchases with the new funds, this is possible.