Team MeFight Twenty-Eighth Session
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- The alarm sounded, zombies started to pour in.
- In the case of the meteorite room, this was quite literal, as the zombies swarmed in through the vents in the top.
- Thed, Thoven and Anise handled the meteorite and its associated Common Infected, while Kib and Gil used the door to choke off the flood from the other direction
- Eventually, the tank waded in, Gil started raging and wailing on it while getting plenty in return. Kib contributed what he could, and the other three picked off the zombies one by one while spells were cast.
- The Three Spells were cast in the correct order. Thed used his detect magic ability to make sure while Anise and Thoven made their way to the door.
- Gil continued thwacking and being thwacked. Anise joined in, and then Thoven and finally Thed, who, determining the Meteorite cleansed, closed the door on the rest of the infected in that room.
- The alarm stopped for a round, then started up again. Thoven dispelled it, shutting it off permanently. Unfortunately, a second Tank was summoned.
- A smoker showed up, crashing through a formerly closed door, but ended up missing Gil and doing very little. Kib edged around, then soaked an AoO to get to the Smoker before his tongue recharged (also allowing Anise an AoO free heal on Gil, who was really hurting by this point). Gil finished off the first tank only to be set upon by the second, and then jumped by a hunter. Thoven was bringing all he had left to bear at this point, and Anise keeping Gil one cure moderate away from death. Gil, enlarged, was meanwhile doing massive damage.
- The Hunter was dropped by Gil, who then cleaved into the Tank. Kib did some damage to the Smoker and kept him busy.
- The second Tank fell just before his turn, which would have likely killed Gil had he not dropped to Thed's bolt. Gil then rushed forward and angrily dispatched the Smoker, before having his rage wear out.
- The battle finally over, it was determined that the "looters" from before had the goal of actually retrieving the star iron, and thus that it must be broken apart and retrieved by the group before the organization the "looters" represented could achieve their goal. Anise, wishing to replenish her arrow supply and supplement their larder (which now consisted entirely of spoon gruel), went outside with Mercer.
- As she exited the Fortress, Anise failed a Will Save by 1 and is now held.
XP and Achievements
- Fight XP
- 1300 6s
- 750 7s
- 350 for Thoven
- 20 XP--Two Birds Achievement (Kim)
- 5 XP--Collecting Cobwebs (Anise, Animal Companion; Slitherrr, Cohort)
- 50 XP--Tapped Out (Anise, will need confirmation)
- 25 XP--History Will Judge (Probably Slitherrr [actually, the Quick Combat reference pretty much guarantees this is the case, without even taking other parts of the wiki into consideration--slith])
- 1000 XP--L 4 D & D : Everyone Who Is Not Kim.