Alexandrian Fortune Cards

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Alexandrian Fortune Cards are a reinterpretation of a significantly pre-Alexandrian game. At their most basic level, they are a set of 52+1 cards: a standard deck with 4 'suits' containing 13 cards, and an additional card with no suit or value. While they are largely used for recreation, gaming, and gambling, there is a strong tradition fortune telling applications. In the later tradition, each suit and value are assigned a numerological, alchemical, or astrological meaning meaning, with each card representing a specific experience or event related to the number and suite. The 'noble' cards from 11-13, called the jack, queen, and king, represent significant figures or events in the Alexandrian tradition.


The fortune cards are divided into four suits that have a number of meanings. One meaning is alchemical, with each suit relating to one of the four elements: fire, water, air, and earth. A second meaning relates to different parts of pursuing an ambition, with the four cards representing the inception of the idea, nurturing of the plan, fighting to succeed, and the reward. Finally and most importantly for the modern cards, there is a direct tie between each suit and an aspect of Alexandria's crusade. The more elaborate meanings of the suits are as follows:

  • Obelisks (Clubs, Wands) - Fire - Creation and Inspiration
    The Obelisk suite represents, literally, the Obelisk Prison that bound the Dark Fiend. However, the imagery around this card is not based on this physical reality, but instead connects to the flurry of activity and interest surrounding the beginning of Alexandria's quest. This interpretation focuses on the inspired mystery that the obelisks represented, the power that Alexandria and the Stand sought to wield, and the release of the Dark Fiend and the start of the Second Crusade. Based on these images, this suite represents inspiration, passion, and inception.
  • Hearts (Cups) - Water - Nurturing and Emotion
    In Alexandrian tradition, hearts represent the emotional connection formed by the First Stand that carried them through the entirety of the Crusade. It is strongly connected to the orphaning of the Children of Tragedy and their adoption and rearing by the original stand. It can also represent, in an abstract sense, the slow yet passionate establishment of Alexandria's Empire, which made the Crusade possible. As a result, the main themes in this suite are relationships and love.
  • Swords (Spades) - Air - Conflict and Action
    Of all the suits, swords evoke the most obvious and tangible imagery--conflict, challenge, action, and war. While they tie in to many events, like the defeat of the Dark Wyrm's Spawn and the Prophet's War, they are primarily tied to the Crusade. This suite represents that sometimes insurmountable challenges that the Stand was forced to face head-on to defeat the Dark Fiend forever. Thus, the most important themes in this suite are action, challenge, adversity, and conflict.
  • Octacles (Diamonds, Coins, Pentacles) - Earth - Success and Reward
    The Octacle, or the eight-pointed star embedded in a circle, is symbolic of the foundation of the church and the salvation from the Dark Lord. It specifically represents the physical church, which was humanities reward for the success of Alexandria. More secular interpretations connect this card to financial or spiritual success, and this card often represents coins or gold. These images of reward are evocative of the main themes of success, wealth, health, and stability.


Specific Cards


Noble Cards

  • King of Obelisks - Antioch
  • Queen of Obelisks - Marrwyn Teldandilion
  • Jack of Obelisks - Broken Obelisk
  • King of Hearts - Dadtim the Younger
  • Queen of Hearts
  • Jack of Hearts - The Betrayal
  • King of Swords - Mythrian Arabelle
  • Queen of Swords - The Pilgrimage
  • Jack of Swords - Sayid ibn Maimun
  • King of Octacles - Steros Merroand
  • Queen of Octacles - Hedran Riqtelo
  • Jack of Octacles

Noteworthy Cards