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Revision as of 15:24, 5 May 2011 by Msallen (talk | contribs)
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How did you generate the city map? --Msallen

What's up?

What's up with this? I'm intrigued. Also, I'm working on a new world map--you might want to get the current working copy from Matt, or I can try to remember to send it to you when I start up my desktop next time. --Msallen

I'm going to run an infrequent side campaign that's 400 years in the past and way on this side of the continent. I emailed Silverwalkers about it, and got some takers. I'd love to have you in as a cameo/regent from time to time, but I know your schedule is wicked tight. Matt sent me some of the cool maps I think you were working on. If you have a newer one, that would rock. I might need to retcon a river somewhere in there if there's not one big enough to use in this section of the world, though. -Mattie
The rivers are all drawn, and there SHOULD be a major water artery in that area for you to use. Political borders, FWiW, are the most mailable of all map components, so if the river has moved to far in one direction we can fix the borders to compensate. -gm
Actually, can someone post that map on the wiki? I think it'll have to be uploaded to the ftp site--I tried to use the wiki's image upload function, but it didn't workie. I'd like to be able to check it when I'm at work. We can just post occasional updates as I get them done. And yeah, I realistically don't have time for a second game--especially another weekend one. But I am still excited about it from a wiki content perspective! --Msallen
You don't have FTP? Mattie or I will upload it soon, then. I sent him the most recent copy I have, both with and without political lines. (With the understanding that those political lines are VERY tentative.)
I know how to ftp, but I don't think I have the ftp login info for the site. You might have sent it to me--I can check my email. Otherwise, if you send it, I can push the map and keep it up to date. --Msallen

WorldMaster Comments



  • Most holdings are held by some manner of hereditary Duke, Arch-Duke, or Prince. There are various combination of titles and ranks, depending on electoral-status, electoral eligibility, etc. Additionally, there are several cities - most of the urban centers, in fact - that are essentially self governing, in the fact they elect local mayors. As the primary engines of what passes for commerce out that way, they pay for this privilege by virtue of substantially higher tax burdens, often a source of strife - illicit and direct.

New Hakan

  • Gnomes almost universally run the most participatory forms of government on the planet, on account of being fiercely liberty loving and generally opinionated. Small and medium towns often have what amounts to straight-up direct democracy, while at the highest level what passes for the gnomish state is something akin to a parliamentary democracy. But, considering the size of Hakan and the generally autonomous outlook of gnomish settlements, Hakan is as much a mindset as a nation -> essentially ungovernable except in times of crisis, when all gnomekind comes together like no other. Unlike other races, in times of crisis a gnome need never fear betrayal or double dealing except from the most vile of gnomish outcasts. Even in good times, violent crimes against gnomes are rare.


  • Pretty much uncharted, other than religion, and that only sketchily. I imagine that, while there are probably no "cites" as we might know them, there are probably one or two shared settlements that function as centers of trade and interaction from otherwise quarrelsome barbarian types deeper in the interior, probably unknown to the people of the mainland. One or more of them might even have religious significance, in order to further enforce the idea of not settling blood feuds and shit there.
"might even have religious significance," ie: one of them is probably the presumed (and possibly even accurate) resting place of Mykos Lygit, adopted son of Sayid. -gm