Talk:Blade Dervish
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The whirling dervish class in complete warrior is dependent on combat expertise, dodge, mobility feats and dance and tumble skills. Its probably exactly what you envision. Part of their ability is they get an AC bonus when they are unarmored equal to class level / 3.
Their main ability is rage-like dervish dance:
- can make a full move and attack every round
- must move 5 feet between every attack
- cant pass through the same square twice
- lasts dance / 2 rounds, then becomes fatigued
- + class level / 2 to hit and damage
- 1/2/3 times per day
They can also:
- take 10 on dance, tumble, jump
- +5/10/15 to movements per turn
- spring attack
- cleave
- +2 init
- +4 to AC when using weapon expertise or full defense
- double the number of attacks in a full attack (!)