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Timeline Note:This information is for a historical game and may not apply to games using the modern world timeline. Discuss with your GameMaster before using this information for games later than 1000 FI.
NPC Character Stats
Level 10
Race Human
Class 8 Barbarian/ 2 Favored Soul
Armor +3 Scale Mail
Weapon(s) ??
Hometown Tamerlane

Conall the Brave, Reis of the Tamerlane duchy.

He is the son of Einar and Lorelei. He is the brother of Mahina & Kendrew. He is the half-brother of Rose, Baby, Tiny, Gabe, Baelen, Answar, Cheny, Casse, Cerck, Vanille, Ageur, Tied, & Otbere.


Conall was the firstborn of all of Einar's children and also his heir to the Reis of Tamerlane. He was born in late spring of 927 FI.


Being the firstborn and thus rightful heir of the Reis of Tamerlane, his birth was celebrated throughout the duchy. Due to his mother's mental illness, he was raised primarily by the Council of Elders and begrudgingly by Einar's first wife Gianna. From an early age, he was told his mother was "sick" but still loved her dearly. His father doted upon him and made an effort to include him as much as possible, just as his father had done before him.

When Conall was 5, his pregnant mother was betrayed by Gianna and left for dead in a forest. As Conall was away with his father on his hunting trip, neither he nor his father discovered this until they returned. The boy was greatly distraught but pushed past it to help his younger brother, Kendrew, who was just a toddler at the time. A war with a barbarian tribe resulted and it was in their attack on the town of Tamerlane that Conall got his first taste of combat. Gianna was charged with getting all the women and children of the household into the safe room. One she had the rest of them inside the room, Gianna took Conall and told him that his father needed him. She rushed him out into the fray, using him as a human shield. When she purposely pushed him towards and between her and an invader, obviously hoping he would kill the boy and allow her to escape, the invader instead saw her action as cowardice. He pushed Conall aside and killed Gianna instead. Unaware that Gianna was attempting to kill him, Conall rushed to arm himself and thus avenge her death. The boy rushed the man and killed him. A member of the Tamerlane army saw this, congratulated him on his fighting prowess, and then teamed up with him for the remainder of the battle to keep the young heir safe.

After the foes were vanquished, Einar celebrated his son proving himself in battle by allowing him to begin formal training as a fighter.

Teenage Years

As Conall grew up, he became inseparable with his younger brother Kendrew. While Conall was clearly the spitting image of his father both in physical might and battle prowess, Kendrew showed a powerful affinity for magic from an early age- a trait Conall always (probably incorrectly) attributed to their missing mother.

"You got Mom's brains and I got Dad's brawn," was a popular phrase Conall would say to Kendrew, especially if Kendrew got frustrated that he could not keep up with his brother physically.

When Kendrew went off to the University of Fresia to further pursue magic, Conall stayed in Tamerlane and focused all his energy into training as a fighter. Hardworking and determined, Conall first became the youngest Chief of the Tamerlane Town Guard (at 16) and then rose to become the youngest General of the Tamerlane Duchy Army (at 19).

Adult Years

Unlike his father, Conall showed little to no interest in romantic endeavors through his teenage or adult years. His father was slightly concerned about this given his own love for the fairer sex. When Conall neared his 20th birthday and thus his Age of Reckoning, his father sent traders into nearby towns to retrieve presents and items for the duchy-wide celebration as Einar also planned to abdicate the duchy to Conall at this time.

Kendrew returned to the duchy briefly to celebrate Conall's ascension to Reis as well as his Age of Reckoning ceremony. Conall was thrilled to see his brother again and saddened when Kendrew returned to the University of Fresia.

After Conall took over the Reis, his father retired though still served as an advisor.


The Brush With The Lycanthrope

To be continued.