Talk:Zupanist Alexandrianism

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Revision as of 18:37, 3 June 2011 by Mattie (talk | contribs)
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Peteran Heresy differences?

How does this actually differ from the root Peteran Alexandrianism? I can't find a reference as to how it is different, nor what Mikos thought/taught... Thanks for any clarification on this (assuming it's been invented).

There is almost no explication of this anywhere on the Wiki, it's not just you. ;) Ask Matt Allen, it was his son.
Did I just punt that? Hell yeah, I did. How mission critical is this information? We can add it to my To Do list and I can get to it after this weekend. -gm
Heh, it's no problem either way-- I can also try to help make up some nuances if no one else has time. As the primary religion of the Ulanites, it will be important. I already have one NPC devotee (FS class) where this will be important, so I wanted to be sure there wasn't some unknown bizarre baggage in their religion that would be a surprise. No immediate rush, though if you or MSA have existing theories/ideas, don't hesitate to share them so I don't mess anything up. :) -Mattie