Team MeFight Thirty-First Session

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Tidying up in Town

  • Tana related some more news
    • Levan is in the Bandit Kingdom. He has... changed. Also, he's very regionally powerful.
  • Kib decided he and Tana should head back to the Bandit Kingdom, and use whatever influence they have left with their brother to get information about Odessa and, less importantly, Diamon Pegg and Fresia.
  • Everyone else decides to come along for their own reasons
    • Thoven: Better be profitable, and besides, building back a rep as a smuggler in Kred would take forever.
    • Thed: I hope my family in Odessa is ok.
    • Anise: I've got a score to settle with Pegg, and this Kib guy seems pretty serious.
    • Gil: Sometimes I get excited when the light shines on things a certain way. OOH LOOK A KITTY!
  • A route by sea is fastest this time of year, and the party should have enough money to cover it.
    • They all set off for Gredsfar by raft, to get passage to Port Turin, to get a boat going by the Bandit Kingdoms.
    • Anise follows alongside on the Ghost Elk.
    • Camp set up. Sorcerer Kobold and cronies attack--next session will finish that up.

Session XP: 400 for everybody.