List of Manifest Episcopacies

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Revision as of 20:15, 12 June 2011 by Mattie (talk | contribs) (adding a table and some placeholders for the most likely m.episcopacies)
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See Manifest Episcopacy for more background. Note that the Leaders of these Episcopacies hold the title Warden, not Hadriarch.

List Of Manifest Episcopacies

Name Type Focus Est. Founder Notes
Forgewelle Episcopacy Traditional Itinerant labor, Craftwork 101 FI Hedran Riqtelo Responsible for the Forgewelle Order
Traveling Episcopacy Holy Militant Roadways, protection of pilgrims 104 FI Grannet Adlethor Responsible for the Order of Wandering Brothers holy militant.
Bellwether Episcopacy Traditional Intelligence, oracles, scryers TBD TBD Key observational intel group
TBD Episcopacy Traditional Ambassadors, arbiters between states, official emissaries TBD TBD
TBD Episcopacy Traditional Justice, law and legal codes TBD TBD Clarifies and enforces law against criminals
TBD Episcopacy Traditional Inquisitors, intelligence, excommunicators TBD TBD Enforces law inside the church itself, key intel group