Talk:Kimika's Character Sheet

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Is Kimika missing her 9th level feat?

Yes, I never took one but I'd like to take leadership. We also had the idea that Kimi could stay somewhere & brew potions while her cohort went around with the party. --HelenAngel 09:09, 29 June 2011 (EDT)
Holy crap--we are going to have an army! This is some wheel of time shit here. --Msallen
Leadership is going to be tough to work in for awhile, but I could make it work - like I told mattie, after the seige. Also, I don't understand why you'd leave Kimi behind and send someone level 8 with the party instead? -gm
I want to see a character with a cohort that gets leadership with a cohort that gets leadership with a cohort that gets leadership. I think that'd be possible right around level 12.-
There is actually a rule, I think from LG, that prevents cohorts from having cohorts. But, Mattie's eventual cohort actually does have leadership and her own followers. -gm
Really? I don't see why. Apart from the fact that you (the GM, not the general you) control the feat choices, if a cohort wants to spend a feat to get a cohort, more power to them, right? -
Well, there is actually a rule that says the GM can choose not to deal with Leadership at all if he chooses not to, which by extension probably applies here. I can think of lots of reasons why cohorts shouldn't be able to get cohorts, and most of them revolve around a player controlling 3+ characters at the table. In any case, Germ could do this now. --User:Msallen