Talk:RP: Shameless Self-Promotion

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What does germain ponder? --Msallen

??? You tell me?? I would say that whose support you would need would depend on the scheme you cook up, yes?
I guess I was just looking for some sense that Germain would have from personal affect and body language and stuff that I don't have about who might be supportive. I'm pretty sure Edrell would be, and I'm pretty sure about the merchants too. Naprid/Ralth sort of deferred to the Mayor and claimed that their hands were tied, but I don't really know from text chat what their "vibe" was. --Msallen
Gotcha Gotcha. FWiW, direct questions - even a ton of them in bullets - will get better and quicker responses than something very open ended. I'd say you're right so far. The Aristocrats are currently presumably in a hole somewhere infighting and scheming. OR they could have all fled, but unlikely. The Merchants would probably like to have some customers back - most of the people still in the city are clients and loyalists of the "old order" (people tied to the fortunes of the aristocrats) and might support you out of general principle. You only know the Pawnbroker, really, and as you might imagine for the cities top mercahnt, she's one of the few people you find it almost impossible to read.
As far as Naprid/Ralth, their one and only desire is the continued independence of the city (or, failing that, the Bog Wraiths themselves since Naprid did once suggest the Wraths abandon Wydmoor as an outpost and move HQ to the Bandit Kingdom).
In general, they can be relied on to do anything that will make *the cities* position stronger. That means they will likely oppose anything that is too upsetting to the current balance of power or anything that brings risk to the city. They will likely support anything that makes life difficult for the Odessans or strengthens the city's position.
The City Guard is half filed with thieves' guild people, and so anything they involve themselves in will almost certainly make its way back to The Boss. Likewise, you know the current Sheriff by reputation and mild acquaintance, and she is above all things a cautious survivor and not likely to take sides in anything too drastic.
However, you *do* at least have the option of paralyzing the Watch into temporary ineffectiveness since it is also riddled with your own loyalists.

Anyone else I'm missing?

No one's talking about the owlbear in the room? LOL! --Msallen

It's much clearer in the original Gnomish. -gm