Template:"Deft" Dick Cockley

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Character Stats
Level 2
Race Human
Class Rogue
Armor Masterwork Leather
Weapon(s) Crossbow and Short Sword
Hometown Wherever we're all from
Timeline Note:This information is for a historical game and may not apply to games using the modern world timeline. Discuss with your GameMaster before using this information for games later than 1000 FI.

"Deft" Dick Cockley

Womanizing thief. Very charismatic and deft with his hands. The ladies love these things, and Deft Dick loves the ladies almost as much as he loves stealing things from them. Not one to discriminate, Deft Dick gladly steals from men too, but usually with less foreplay involved. Deft Dick also uses his skill as a performer (oratory and comedy) to lull his targets into complacency before robbing them of everything with any value.

Campaign : Last of the Omatachi

SPOILER : "Deft" Dick's Character Sheet