Talk:Arabelle Adventurers Quest Notes 2011-12-03

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Tomb discussion:

D&D Arabelle Adventurers: Tomb Discussion

You found this parchment:


Known Map

Discussion: GM: Pretty much only Merry and Book have any chance at recognizing anything about this. This is very esoteric and ancient history/religion info, beyond anyone else's learning. If you want me to roll your Bardic Knowledge or Knowledge-Religion Checks in d20pro, let me know.

Merry is still quite irritated at his tremendous botching of the previous encounter and is greatly relieved that no one was seriously injured. He spends some time studying the parchment and then sits and carefully starts "browsing the stacks" of his memory looking for the following: references to a "Knight L" who it states was spoke of in legends and might have had a notable sword. sword of the meek / a wooden sword fashioned of two crossed sticks tied together the phrase "Humility is power"

GM: Merry uses Bardic Knowledge (which I added as a "Use Bardic Knowledge" skill in d20pro)

Bardic Knowledge check on "Knight L". Rolled 17 +9 = 26. Pretty much nothing comes to mind. You recall an ancient peasant's hopeful poem that includes a line like "no longer can our champion Langlorian help us", but the context doesn't provide much insight. You would have assumed that it was a famous Traveler or Alexandrian priest, but you have a new hunch that particular poem could be much older than you thought. Bardic Knowledge check on "Sword of the meek" or "wooden sword". Rolled 4 + 9 = 13. Nothing comes to mind. You only know of wooden swords as fighter training tools. Bardic Knowledge check on "Humility is power". Rolled 9 + 9 = 18. Nothing comes to mind. You assume it's religious, so perhaps related to one of the old gods? Or worshippers of them? Definitely isn't a popular concept in the history you know. Book tries to recall anything useful, using the parchment and Merry's tidbit of information as a guide.

GM: Book uses Knowledge History (his best of the skills)

Knowledge History on "Knight L". Rolled 12 +10 = 22. Nothing relevant. Knowledge History on "Langlorian". Rolled 16 +10 +2 (Merry) = 28. You recognize the poem, and after discussing with Merry, date it back to pre-Alexandrian times. It does seem to fit and you suspect Langlorian was a guardian/leader for the impoverished and weak. Knowledge History on "Sword of the meek". Rolled 10 +10 = 20. Nothing relevant. Knowledge History (spent 1 PSP). Rolled 10 +10 +4= 24. Nothing relevant. Knowledge History on "Humility is power". Rolled 10 +10 = 20. Nothing relevant. Knowledge History (spent 1 PSP). Rolled 15 +10 +4= 29. You use your psionic abilities to recall a nearly-forgotten myth with this theme. You are not sure it's relevant, but the mind works in mysterious ways. Read it here: