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I'm getting the impression that this statement may be a little generous? Outsiders do not interact with elves in significant enough quantities for them to have a well-define set of prejudices. --Msallen

"Them" is outsiders, not elves. -gm
Ya, I mean, it seems like predjudice about elves are pretty rampant. --Msallen
Elves, by and large, are very prejudiced against non-elves. Most humans don't really have any more opinion on Elves than we do on Martians. -gm

So your elf sections are rather sparse on details. Which is understandable given the role in your universe, but it is sort of hard to piece together the culture and such from this. Did you have anything in mind culturally for them? Linguistically what is Sidhe like? etc. etc. so on and so forth -Feantari

Hmm. Mysterious and elfy! Politically and economically, most of Sidhe-Praxen is close to the Wild Elves of a traditional setting - forest dwelling hunter gatherers eschewing the trappings of civilization and only a loose, anarchic social structure. Culturally, or I guess "racial personality/outlook" wise, closer to the Grey/High Elves - haughty and dismissive of non-elves, and sort of aloof and distant. What structures exist island-wide are primarily ministered by the druids, who arbiter disputes and minister the basic social services and clergy functions. Speaking of religion, elves fall a lot closer into the "Spiritual but not Religious" camp - they do not subscribe to any form of Alexandrian worship, as Marwynn made zero attempt to spread the faith to her own people, despite serving as Arch-Warden herself and even installing her (Half-Elven) son to the Arch-Wardency. Elves are always a deeply conservative race, all things told, and here things are made worse by their threatened status as a species.
Helpful? If not, feel free to throw up some specific questions as for the pocket "distant and mystical" race, it's hard to know where to begin tugging the thread. -gm
I noticed I didn't address the one specific point you actually asked about. Go me! Linguistically, it's very trope for fantasy-land: beautiful, melodic, and evocative all at once that conjures up images and emotions even to those totally ignorant of the language. -gm

Here's all the details you need to know. Elves:

  • Reek of patchouli
  • Subsist mostly on twigs, nuts, and berries
  • Rarely procreate because less than 20% are attracted to elves of the opposite sex
  • Have sex with animals
  • Have sex dressed like animals


This is what you get when your data set is 1. -gm
As far as I know, Al has only had sex with female animals. --Msallen