Al's Character Sheet
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Druid 6
![]() | |
Level | Level 11 |
Race | "Human" |
Class | Druid |
Armor | Gargoyle Hide |
Weapon(s) | Usually, bear claws |
Hometown | Hometown |
Strength | 8 (-1) |
Dexterity | 16 (+3) (+1 is from Enhancement Bonus) |
Constitution | 12 (+1) |
Intelligence | 14 (+2) |
Wisdom | 18 (+4) |
Charisma | 10 (+0) |
Secondary Attributes
Hit Points | 88 |
Armor Class | 21 (+7 from Armor, +3 from Dex, +1 from Shield) |
Base Attack Bonus | +8/+3 |
Base Speed | 30 Feet (20 Feet due to Armor) |
Fort Save | +8 (+7 Base, +1 Stat) |
Reflex | +6 (+3 Base, +3 Stat) |
Will Save | +11 (+7 Base, +4 Stat) |
- Sidhe
- Orc
- Ubrekti
Feats and Abilities
- Venom Immunity: Immune to all poisons.
- Wild Shape: 4/day; tiny, small, medium, or large animals.
- Nature Sense: +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.
- Resist Nature's Lure: +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of fey.
- Trackless Step: Leave no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. May choose to leave a trail if so desired.
- Wild Empathy: Can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person.
- Woodland Stride: May move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect her.
- +2 Save vs. Enchantment
- Immune to Sleep
- Low-Light Vision: Can see twice as far as normal in dim light.
- Self-Sufficient: +2 bonus on all Heal checks and Survival checks.
- Track
- Natural Spell: Can cast spells while in wild shape.
- Combat Expertise: Take up to -5 on attack roll and add up to +5 to AC. Lasts until my next action.
Skill Ranks
Did a skills audit at 11th level. Should have had 84 skill points (24 at lvl 1 + 6 per lvl after that). Re-allocated skill points.
- Concentration: 8
- Disguise: 1 (cc)
- Handle Animal: 13
- Heal: 11
- Knowledge (Wydmoor): 1 (free)
- Knowledge (Nature): 11
- Listen: 10
- Ride: 1
- Spellcraft: 3
- Spot: 10
- Survival: 13
- Swim: 2
Cool Items
Ivory Swan
The Exile's Gift- Now kaput. Got used on the half-elf lady.
Cloak of the Elements
Gift from Ed.2DR vs. Fire, Acid, Cold
I think I got rid of this when we found out that Ed was a lying jerk.
Gargoyle Hide Armor
- Functions as Dragon Scale Armor
- Recovered when a Scrag attacked the party's raft.
- Ugly as hell.
Shapechanger's Tattoo
- A gift from the Lizardfolk Hierophant.
- Occupies Bracer slot, cannot be removed except through its destruction.
- -2 Max Hit Points
- Gives the following abilities when using Wild Shape
- +4 Enhancement bonus to strength for forearm/front paw/tentacle attacks.
- Forearm/Front Paw/Tentacle attacks treated as magical weapons.
Amulet of the Dark Heart
- Recovered from Lizardfolk Usurper
- Barkskin (+3) 3/day
Animal Companion
Brown bear named Grrrllwofrowffgrr ("Girl").