Notes for Game 2009-07-10

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In Our Last Episode

  • The clerk won't process the share transfer without authorization from the mayor and/or the town accountant. (exchequoer? or something)
  • We talk to Edrell and he gives the team a wand of Sleep to use to get the writ into the town records.
  • Mose begins to feel really crummy about this and argues about the righteousness of creating a Traveler Outpost by using deceit and trickery.
  • Edrell and Germain make arguments about it being somewhat like a war against the unjust.
  • The team heads off to "convince" the town clerk to shelve the share transfer in the hall of records. (Hall of records) ....

This Episode

Date: 19th of Whitefall, 1400

Climate: Early November-like. Rain has changed into colder slush/sleet.

  • LE charms the town clerk to get him to accept her documents.
  • Nightshade is the standard of the Bog Wraiths
    • Raven is the emblem of the Arch-Warden's Personal Guard (like Ralth)
    • 1/3rd of archwarden's guard is made up of bog wraiths
    • Lightning is Ralth's personal herald
  • They met an Old Man who is in the Bog Wraiths and has a Rat personal herald as well.
    • Old Man is Naprid Daithe.
    • Mose agreeds to meet with Naprid this evening at Pilgrim's Place.
  • Mose armor will require 25 more days to finish. (Checked in town)
  • Edrell goes to bed, the team heads to meet with Naprid.
    • They eat dinner, Al heads off to Hadriarch's Reserve to sneak in. He talks to birds.
    • Naprid turns out to be 72 and was the former leader of the Bog Wraiths. He now consults for Ralth.
    • Naprid asks the party to come back to the castle to meet Ralth.
    • Naprid can't understand why Mose is extremely hesitant to mix with the Wraith's again.
    • Naprid leaves his cane behind while the party discusses the offer.
    • The party seems that they think it's a good idea, while Mose continues to be confused why the party wants to go visit Ralth after the weirdness of the past.
    • Naprid comes in, Mose asks politely for a neutral audience.
    • Naprid insults Mose and says Ralth can't come into the city.
    • Mose storms off, wildly angry. Hears threats to excommunicate him from Naprid.
  • The rest of the party agrees to meet with Ralth at his castle.
    • They enter and Ralth/Naprid are there, offering them delicacies (oily bean tea from elven lands)
    • Ralth asks about the troll battle, and about the trip to Yalmrinth to fight the storm.
    • Ralth asks the party to head back to the mines and see if they can stop the rains.
    • Germain asks for a Traveler's Outpost in the town as well
    • Ralth meets with Germain and Quin privately.


Final GM message