Notes for Game 2008-11-08

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See also: Kathkallan Investigation


DM Note: Meeting Kathkallan
DM Note: Kathkallan's Story
  • Woke up LE who had been unconscious. (Caught up)
  • Curse removed by Kimika, with the aid of Father Yidrich, at church of martyrdom.
  • LE's ring was identified as a swimmering (bubble over head, swimmer bonuses)
  • Mose and Kimi tithed to church
  • Met Germain (see description)
  • Edrell offered a deal. Petron Kathkallan (Petaron empire, follower of saheed's offshoot of the religion) came to town as merchants, but been defrauded.
  • Deals in royal jelly, native to Petra. Rare stuff.
  • Go talk to him at the Waft.
  • 6000 gp reward, 1k a piece. Moneychanged for platinum.
  • Mose ordered +1 Splint Mail, paid 80 plat, owes 40 more plat Arnold the Armorer and Wayne the Wizard.
  • A is the clerk/guard who paid us with Edrell.
  • DM Note: Meeting Kathkallan
  • Royal jelly has healing/anti-aging effects
  • Kathkallan and bodyguard, Bezzem was attacked by 6 thugs, we saved them.
  • DM Note: Kathkallan's Story
  • Kath's assistant Galliad (petaron, halfling, young) is missing and has contract stubs he needs to finish the Red Iron + Bee Jelly deal that's in his favor. He recommends asking Golden Galleon and Arrasti.
  • Thugs met fat, bald-haired sweaty guy who hired them. Silent Siren.
  • Black-haired halfling woman, with orchard brooch in her hair. Professional. Drinks and they left.
  • Galliad arranged meetings, got a prostitute. She likely offed him.
  • Platinum Quill is the hired security/help -- they may have been hired to off Galliad
  • Random poison attack on Germain (and possibly Kimika)
  • Captured random poisoner and torturing him for information. He was going to meet customer to pay him on flower road.

Final GM message

The Absent PCs were Regented As Follows:
- The druid spent most of his time naturing up the wooded area of the
ramparts. All along the woods edge are stationed masonry structures
filled with axes and barrels of oil.
- The gnome stayed with the Important Quest NPCs and acted as
bodyguard while everyone else investigated The Mystery. They may or
may not have chatted: there are no gnomes in Petara so no doubt they
were curious.
- Gnome was introduced to one of Edrell's men, who has become attached
to the party to lead the investigation, but did not have contact
beyond introductions.

If you were there for it, you get the xp for it otherwise no go:

Saving Kathkallan from Muggers : 50 XP
Defeating muggers : 100 xp (25 per survivor)
Track Galliad to Plat Quill : 50 XP
The halfling comfort girl? : 25 XP
Liars! : Admission (Golden Galleon Contract) : 25 XP
Liars! : Admission (Aresti Contract) : 25 XP
Capture of Holm the Goldbug : 60 XP
Cold Trail : Day 2 : -10 XP