RP: Time For A Little Eggsposition

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DungeonMasterToken2.pngGame Master By the time the party reaches the outskirts of the city, Al has caught up with the group. It is late evening as the Silverwalkers approach the Swamp Gate. Almost immediately, Germain senses a problem.

GermainToken.PNG Germain Hold up. Up on the tower. Those are not our people.

LEToken.PNG LE How can you tell?

GermainToken.PNG Germain Because I know our people. All the important ones, at least.

QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin He's Right. Look at the armor they're wearing. Chain and steel lamellar. None of our people have armor that nice.

LEToken.PNG LE The Odessans?

GermainToken.PNG Germain I don't think so. If the city had fallen, we'd know. The Wraiths, then? Damn. Why would they be wasting manpower guarding the swamp gate? For that matter - why aren't *our* people guarding the swamp gate?

KimikaToken.PNG Kimika So.. What's the big deal? The Wraiths are our friends, too, aren't they?

GermainToken.PNG Germain Allies, maybe. I'm not sure we have many "friends" anymore, at least not in an institutional sense. Damn it! I should never have left the city again.

MoseToken.PNG Mose So, what's the big problem here, Germain?

GermainToken.PNG Germain Hopefully nothing. Still, I think we should probably not announce our presence just yet. Quinalin, you still have that magic rope?

QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin nods.

GermainToken.PNG Germain Well, there you go. If it's good enough for the Odessans, it's good enough for us. I suggest we wait until nightfall, then scale the walls of the Magus' Tower and check in with Egg. He'll know what's going on.

QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin And if Wraiths are also on those walls?

GermainToken.PNG Germain Well, then we'll know, won't we? We'll still climb the walls, of course. If there is a garrison there, as well, it will be much easier to deal with than the one here, especially if our goal is to get in without raising alarms.

KimikaToken.PNG Kimika One day I won't have to sneak into my own city anymore.

GermainToken.PNG Germain One day. So, what do you all think?

MoseToken.PNG Mose Climb over the wall, eh? This plan sounds farrrr too simple to be a Silverwalker plan! snort laugh Why, we'd normally get Al to badger up a tunnel under the wall, or cause a big distraction with herds of wild animals, or have LE sneak in invisibly first, or disguise ourselves somehow. And here we're simply just going to scale a wall and sneak over. Maybe it's been our problem all along that we haven't tried simple plans. I like those best-- I'm all for it.

We should climb, but can't Kimika and Al fly now? At the risk of making this more complicated, perhaps they should float over and see what's up as we start climbing.

GermainToken.PNG Germain We actually have a magical climbing rope, but if Al and Kimi want to fly instead of climb, they're welcome to it. I mean, if the place is crawling with Wraiths, we obviously reevaluate, but we've got to get to Egg one way or another. You said so yourself. We're as concerned about simply being seen as we are getting apprehended, moreso honestly. I want us to know what's going on before we're thrust into the middle of it, for once.

Oh, speaking of Al, you find out anything hopeful from the Lizardmanlanders?

KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn Now that we're back to stuff Kaylee's been trained for, she seems to forget her earlier discomfiture and raises her hand a bit Don't forget that I can also pop into whatever spot I want without having to travel the distance between. Within reason, of course, and certainly not mid-air. Just thinking that it might be helpful for me to pop up to the top of the rope as you all start climbing just in case anyone's up there. Humans are easy for me to deal with. That is all we'd be facing here, right? No more liches?

MoseToken.PNG Mose ::involuntarily looks over at LE, catches himself, and looks guiltily away:: Right, just humans most likely. Though the Thieves Guild here likes to use undead to do its bidding lately-- lets hope they're lying low, though.

GermainToken.PNG Germain That's a great point, Kaylee. In fact, however it is you and your sister pull that gimmick off, it seems to be totally unaffected by magical teleport wards, no matter what their strength. That's a good trump to keep in the hole. Hells, if things really look suspicious, I suppose you could just blink us across the walls. Although that might be too taxing an effort, I know even magic has its limits.

AlToken.PNG Al In eagle form Looks pointedly at Kaleesarynn and tweets a bit.

KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn When Al arrived and wasn't changing forms, Kaylee mindlinked with him. She begins to relay what Al is telling her

Ok, so he says that he went to see the "lizard dude" and said that the lizard dude was (tries and fails spectacularly to pronounce the lizarmanlander word Al said in her mind)? What the hell is that? Anyway, he told the guy about the lich and about what happened to LE.

stares at Al for a moment, looking confused

Now he's saying something about some turtles and how the lizard guy is going to try binding them again? And that it'll take a bit. He won't let them out of the swamp, which Al seems bummed about for some weird reason. Back to the topic though, the lizard guy was really surprised that there even was a lich down there and freaked out that it was a druid-lich. Said that druids don't like undead and wouldn't want to become one, so it must have been forced to become a lich somehow, but they don't know how. Al says that he thinks there's a lot about "lizard-dude past" that they've forgotten or lost.

stares at Al, and her look becomes fearful again as she quickly glances at LE and back again at Al for confirmation of what he just said

Um, Al thinks that what happened to LE may have something to do with how that druid was forced to become a lich, which makes it even more important to help LE and prevent that from happening.

DungeonMasterToken2.pngGame Master Feel free to send me Knowledge: Religion or Knowledge: Arcana rolls via that spiffy website Mattie dredged up. Or, both, if you're able!

(Edit by Mattie: Click on the following link, enter in your own "To" email address and change "Subject". Then click Roll the Dice: Secure Dice Roller (prepared for d20))

LEToken.PNG LE shudders.

We have to get in there. Why are we waiting? Let's use the rope.

(Feel free to put any religion-roll-related banter that won't derail the plot in here.)

Camp Chatter

DungeonMasterToken2.pngGame Master The group nods and retreats to the swamp to wait for nightfall.

(Feel free to put any passing the time, expository RP in here. Character to character bonding, background revealing, bucket pooping, or whatever else you adventurer sorts do the 23 hours a day you're not murdering things.)

KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn Wait, didn't you guys say something about wraiths guarding the Swamp Gate? Mose, I thought you said we'd likely just be dealing with living, breathing people. Why would there be wraiths in a city like this? I thought those only existed in dungeons and places like that.

MoseToken.PNG Mose Oh! Not undead wraiths, not like those. These are the Bog Wraiths-- the mercenaries who are pretty much Wydmoor's last line of defense. I don't know much about what they do around here politically before the War, but in one of Germain's boring talks, I think he said something about them being paid by the Church and Wydmoor to defend the city. wheels seem to be turning slowly in Mose's head If Wydmoor is broke, though-- I wonder if they might be worrying who'll be putting half their dinner on the table going forward... So far they've been the only sturdy thing Wydmoor has aside from the Silverwalkers, given the Church won't intervene. Hopefully this situation hasn't gotten the Wraiths a'scheming. Nothing makes a hired hand testy like worrying that he won't get paid...

(OOC: There's probably some chance Kaylee has heard of the Bog Wraiths, right?)

GermainToken.PNG Germain shakes his head. It wasn't boring! The question is: why are they manning the wall? We know good and well the Wraiths have already been "a'scheaming" with the Odessans in Alexia--it's not hard to read between the lines even if you just follow the politics of the mainland...

MoseToken.PNG Mose yawns in anticipation.

GermainToken.PNG Germain grumbles. Fine. No one cares. The fact is, I told them I would need help keeping the peace in the city, but putting a full garrison on the walls seems like overstepping. I didn't think he even had enough men to guard Wydmoor Castle effectively with all the troops they are funneling into Alexia, so I can't imagine why he would put so many here unless there were issues. Or if he was up to something. He is pissed that we brought all the refugees into the city...

Germain looks agitated. I don't want to wait anymore than we have to. Can we cross that wall now? Do we have a way to "sneak" across it in broad daylight?

LEToken.PNG LE grins, shrugs, and disappears from sight.

GermainToken.PNG Germain Nice trick. Kaylee, didn't you say something about being able to teleport across walls? Does that work on all of us, or just you?

KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn Sure does! I can take 3 people with me per trip, so I could take maybe Kimika, Mose, and Germain on the first trip, and then come back for Al and Quin. That'd be three trips total for me and use up that much power... (she starts doing some mental calculations)

(OOC: This would take 21 PSP, which I'm fairly sure she still has - also, edited this because Kaylee is level 9 now and can take 3 people with her)

I think I could get us all across. Also, did LE just teleport there?

LEToken.PNG LE LE's voice: I'm still here. I'd need to use the rope.

KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn Jumps a little at the sound of LE's voice from out of thin air

Ack! In that case, I could take you, Al, and Quin on the final trip. What do you guys think?

MoseToken.PNG Mose Sounds like a plan! Let's go. At least this way Kimi can save her flying ability if we find that going back into the city has turned into a bad idea.

keep camp chatter rp above this line

Meeting with Egg

DungeonMasterToken2.pngGame Master The party, using many newly acquired tricks, enters the grounds of the Magius Keep. A small garrison walks the walls. They wear the sideways-V emblem, carry crossbows, and wear studded leather (i think) armor.

The party decides to continue to sneak in without alerting the token forces. The Silverwalkers, Quinalin most especially, rate the level of security in the tower as abysmal.

Once inside, you quickly make your way inside the tower and rush to find Egg. You find him in the library, begoggled and reading a tome the size of a human torso.

 EggToken.jpg Egg Oh, thank Omnity you're back! It feels like you've been gone for ages! But it couldn't have even been a week, could it?

(XP Bonus! What is today, and how long has it been since you left the city!)

(I think it's best to say today is 30 Verdant 1401 and we left the city 5 days before that. This is assuming it took us a minimum 1.5 day march to and from the southern reaches of the swamp-- a guess based on our first forced march to the hydra's place from the Lizardman camp. If our Phylactery chat took the entire day then instead we arrive at the tower late-day on the 30th rather than the morning. The quest notes as written imply today is the 29th but I think that's too aggressive.)
(I'll buy it! I assume that was Mattie? Free share to Mattie! All hail the Calendar Master!)


I don't think I've slept a full night since you guys left. I'm way out of my element here! I mean, not HERE here, as in the tower. I'm actually finding this place quite suits me!

Err, what I mean is HERE as in dealing with the problems of thousands of desperate refugees... ARMED desperate refugees! Dealing with the War Room Council. Err, as much as possible. I try to go to the meetings, but Omnity's Mercy, it's a lot of talking for everything being pre-decided by Naprid and Fenn. I just have more important things to do.. Err, sorry. The riots.

We've done our best to keep order, the Geese any myself, but it's just not what any of us are really good at. A small food riot a couple three days ago, and the Wraiths came in hard and have basically kept the camp on lockdown ever since. Confiscated whatever weapons Astlen and Laecina haven't managed to squirrel away.

Oddly enough, they haven't tried to force me out at the tower, so I pulled the most of the rest of the Geese back here to set up camp.

LEToken.PNG LE rushes to Egg and embraces him.

It's really bad... please say you found something...

GermainToken.PNG Germain Our trip didn't turn out as we expected, either. We found something terrible at the bottom of that cave... An ancient lizardfolk Druid who fell to the dark one in the time of our savior. Germain quickly, but adequately, covers the tale. I'm afraid for LE. Did those papers help? Did you learn anything new?

 EggToken.jpg Egg Errr. That depends on what you mean.

looks nervously at Germain, and glances at the other Silverwalkers

GermainToken.PNG Germain It's alright, things are too far gone to keep things under wraps anymore. Tell us what you've got.

 EggToken.jpg Egg Ahhhhh.. Alright, then. I'm afraid most of my time has been taken up with learning the ropes of the tower here and putting out a thousand fires. Metaphorical fires, I mean! But, err.. But, I've kind of forgotten who knows what, and so I'll just give you a run down of what LE and I have figured out so far.

In many ways, it's what we've all expected. Except, not really. I mean.. Ok, so.. Possession. Yes. Yes, it's possession. But.. not exactly. Err..

Let me start over, and try to keep it simple. I can probably answer some questions if things are too unclear. Sorry, souls and stuff are not exactly my specialty.

Alright, most of this theorizing comes down to her mage's mark. We've seen evidence that this sigil was also used by this Melkior guy a few hundred years back. For a while, LE and I figured it was a straight up case of this guy cheating the grave or whatever. But, it's not. When I was picking through some of books I picked up from Kathkalan for a song a few months back, I noticed what seemed to be LE's sigil, or close enough. It took me some bit of time to actually *learn* Old Petaran. Anyway, I've read that section so many times by now, I can recite it from memory.

  • ahem*

"Through many bodies and many ages, the industructable soul.
You may know the enemy amongst you by the mark of the beast.
For the soul gives lie to the truth of the flesh.

"Ruination swings from the arms of marked men.
From the wombs of the women comes desolation.
The wild possess the cunning and wickedness of men.

"If a babe be so augured with the mark of the beast.
Without hesitation dash its head against the rock.
Lest the quickening wail speak

the Name that seals the doom of your clan.

So... Er, not really hopeful stuff. And, my own translation, so it loses much of the poetry of the original. But, from what I can tell, this little passage far, far predates Melkior. gears turn in Egg's mind

Germain - when you say "From Alexandrian Times," do you mean "really old" or literally "from the time of Alexandria." Not just quibbling definitions, for once - Now that I think about it, the book I'm talking about was written late in the reign of Sayid I. Which, if you're being literal about the Druid Lich, gives us two sources tracing this thing back at least 1,400 years.... Wow, that's kind of fascinating!

looks at LE, blushes with embarrassment

Err, I mean.. Horrible! But, so, good news is that Melkior is probably not possessing LE. More likely, whatever was going on with Melkior - and the Dire Wolf, and the Lizardman Lich - is also going on with LE.

Of course, we know very little about Melkior in Wydmoor - that Edrell guy seems to have run off with most everything Melkior related from the records room.

Also, when we did that food run, LE and I took a little, errrr, detour to the University Library in Ubrekt. I was able to find some stuff there, as well.

Oddly enough, although we know he received his measures there, the library contained no mentions of Melkior in any of the main library archives... INCLUDING in any of the Alumni Almanacks, including the one that I own that does have him listed. A clear case of <gnomish word: To Exile from History>.

I was able to find some oblique references the exiliers missed. It was an unofficial document, but it indicated something of his course of study. It will probably come as a surprise to absolutely nobody that Melkior was a necromancer, but his mastery study was in a subfield called "soul transference."

That led me to a section of the archives where I was able to stumble across citations to a pair of Melkior theses that no longer exist in any library I could find. All the citation listed was the author - Melkior - and the titles of the works: "The Living Phylactery" and "Broken Mirror"

So, err, yeah, sorry. So. I think she's ... not possessed. Perhaps "inhabited" by the soul of some supernatural being.. Or, maybe, *a piece* of another soul. But, not a possession. Possession implies some sort of externality that isn't at work here. A ghost or demon or whatever forces its way into a mortal. Not the case here, I don't think. I think it more likely that whatever, errr, "it" is - Melkior didn't cause it, but likely was no less a victim in his own way.

  • looks around uneasily*

How was that? Err.. any question?

GermainToken.PNG Germain If your Old Peteran is bad, then I don't want to imagine what my Old Lizardmanlander is like, so I'm not sure how accurate this is going to be. As I understand it, but the spirits we talked to said they were corrupted by The Night Serpent. They said "they came down on the wrong side of man's war." If I were to guess, I would say this was the not First War between the Demi-Pantheon and the Dark Fiend, because I wouldn't classify that as "man's war." Instead, I would guess that it's referring to the Prophets' War, which would align the old Heirophant's timeline with the razing of the Turtle Temple. The spirits also said the heirphant "slept for centuries", which feels close to 1400 years past the Prophets' War, and far away from 6000 or so since the First War. But it could all also relate to the Wars of Fracture and the corruption of the Dark Naga. That all feels like it is reading a lot into my translation of a language I can barely pronounce, as spoken by spirits that are possibly thousands of years dead, who probably have a tenuous grasp on time. Germain frowns.

It sounds to me like your current interpretation is that their may be some sort of soul, or possibly a supernatural entity, that is carried in this world in mortal bodies. I might say "periodically," but it might be more like "regularly" given evidence that the Dire Wolf may have been a manifestation of this power. Also, this power doesn't distinguish between man or beast, which also seems to be suggested by the passage, "the wild possess the cunning and wickedness of men." How many living things carry this same mark alive today? Tens? Hundreds? More? And what sort of power could be so prevalent and inhabit such a range of hosts? Something very old, I'd wager. Was their evidence of this prior to Alexandria's "destruction" of the Dark Fiend? What do we know of the Night Serpent and it's portfolio?

 OOCToken.jpg OOC Germain has a 100% change of giving +4 to someone making a history check, and an 80% change of giving that bonus to an arcana or religion check (among others). This sort of questioning is how I percieve Germain grants this bonus and improves discussions like this.

DungeonMasterToken2.pngGame Master Yeah, I'll assume that's in play for any of these sort of expository discussions. Germain is like the best guy in the universe to bounce ideas off of.

 EggToken.jpg Egg There's too much we don't know to draw any definitive conclusions, but that's not the worst working theory in the world. As far as time and age go, we can really only speak to the sources we have. There might be evidence, there might not. Perhaps there once was, but much knowledge across the mainland was lost during, and in the centuries following, Alexandria's Crusade, so tracking anything back further than that becomes more difficult and cloudy.

We can make a lot of hunches and educated guesses, maybe, but some of those questions - how many, how long - might be simply unanswerable at this point in time.

QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin So the big take-away I got from that is that it seems likely every time LE sucks up another one of these soul clouds, it is fitting another spoke in the wheel of some ancient evil god-like thing's chariot to make another stab at ruling the world. Great. So anyway, Egg, if someone decided to excise information about Melkior from most places in the mainland, are there any other areas they might not be able to get to as easily? Odessa? Petara? My dad never mentioned anything about Alexandrian Libraries (OOC: HEH!) in Petara, but he was a merchant, not a scholar.

 EggToken.jpg Egg Hmmmm. That's an excellent thought, Quin. A lot of the mainland sources were destroyed in the post-Crusade years. But, a lot of people forget... I'd even forgotten myself.. The post-Crusade years were basically a Petaran Golden Age. Not only did those dark ages not reach Petara, but the Heterodox were the dominate power for generations after the fall of the Dark Lord. Hellfire: some of our most important sources from the Ubrekti Empire come to us from Old Petaran, as does our most solid clue to date. Well, except maybe whatever Edrell's keeping to himself. He did give LE the metaphorical keys to get that staff, though, didn't he? Hmm.

Getting excited

How close minded of me! The libraries of Petara are as extensive as anything on the mainland, even those of Old Hakan or Ubrekt themselves. With fewer gaps, too, I'll wager, since the Petaran Empire thrived while the kingdoms of the old world collapsed in on themselves. But....

Enthusiasm wanes.

I mean, I don't know how a bunch of "apostate" outsiders are going to get access to reservoirs of exclusive knowledge, but it's something to think about. Maybe a little bit of hope in this whole thing, after all. Errrrr, It would take someone versed in Old Petaran, or at the very least Petaran. I could handle it, maybe, but I think I serve the situation best by being here. I mean, I hope that doesn't seem to... cowardly? Convenient? But Wydmoor is sorely lacking in arcane talent right now. I mean, I have the feeling that if the Wraith's had anyone even almost as competent as me that they could trust, I'd be out of this tower on my ear.

Which is kind of terrifying, if you really think about it. Aren't those guys backed up by an entire University worth of wizards? It's just me against all of that?

MoseToken.PNG Mose trying not to overreact so goes to the old standby-- covertly concentrates on Detect Evil on LE while Egg/Quinalin are talking

DungeonMasterToken2.pngGame Master LE detects no signature of evil. Even the evilish-halo-prenumbra you one sensed is gone.

AlToken.PNG Al OOC: Any elven lore Al might know about Melkior?

DungeonMasterToken2.pngGame Master Afraid not. Melkior was active within the last couple of centuries - at least 1000 year since the elves retreated to their little island. Melkior was a human.

LEToken.PNG LE looking into the distance Spokes in the wheel...

to Quin I can see all the rest of the spokes. If I let them see me, I can see all of them. It's... a little scary, though.
to Egg Do you think it would help to know where they are now?

 EggToken.jpg Egg Well... knowing is always better than not knowing? Numbers might be more useful than location, especially if there are risks involved and we're prioritizing.

LEToken.PNG LE Ok... when I look for them, they can see me... so I think it would be the best if I was in the room alone, with some kind of anti-scrying stuff? (touches her amulet) I already have this, but if there's something else we could do, I dunno. I've avoided doing this very often, because it's creepy. I've never tried to block scrying, though, so I don't know if it would keep them from seeing in or somehow prevent me from seeing out. I have no idea how it actually works, everything happening to me goes against what I've read should be possible. Does anybody have any more no-see-ums I can use?

 EggToken.jpg Egg Well.. There's the orb Edrell left us with? I mean, there's always the chance he's got some special "in" with that like all the rest of those items, but maybe it actually came with the office of Sheriff? Honestly, I'm starting to think it's not worth trying to outplan that guy... maybe out react him? Err, anyway, yeah, the orb should help?

MoseToken.PNG Mose (wide-eyed with excitement as he starts to understand) Wait a minute-- LE, you can track down intense evil like that unholy Lich we found down there?! It has been a very long time since I sensed evil that overwhelming before.

What an amazing blessing from the Omnity itself! I would praise Alexandria every day if I had the power to Detect Evil at such great distances! I do not know what has given you such a great power-- why didn't you tell us sooner? Do you realize what this means? You may be the key to ridding the world of some of the foulest evils we've ever seen, and we should put every effort into doing so! (quite excited and forgetting the war for a moment) Use your gift and we can begin the hunt right away!

KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn Um, I hope I'm not speaking out of turn or anything, being new to all of this... Mose, if we go hunting down all of these evil baddies that LE can locate, and every time we defeat one, it gets sucked into LE like that lich did... It seems like that would lead to something even worse if what Egg, Germain, and LE are saying is all basically on target. I don't know. I mean, maybe that is part of what would help LE, somehow, though I've no idea how that would actually help, but I'm not sure we should rush off to do that just yet...

LEToken.PNG LE whips her head around to look at Mose.

Are you serious, little man? You think it's a great blessing to have several, way evil, beings' attention... suddenly and squarely focused on you? You are such a fucking fool. And you don't know what has given me this power? How about the super big big bad making a little nest in MY soul? That couldn't have anything to do with it, right? Why didn't I tell you sooner? Why didn't *I*, tell *YOU*, sooner?

And you want to go looking for these things. Tell me, hero, what happens when one of them kills me, and inhales all the evil stuff you've seen go into me? And all the stuff you haven't seen? What happens then? It's amazing you can use the bucket without someone wiping up for you. Praise Omnity, indeed. Let her have your beard and all your lovely crowns when we're all dead and this evil has consumed the world.

(she takes a deep breath)

Egg, where is Edrell's orb?

 EggToken.jpg Egg I prefer to think of it as "Egg's Orb" these days, but it's right over here. I think the tower itself has some pretty substantial wards, but every little bit helps. Hold on a second.

Egg activates the orb, and the familiar feeling of energy fills the room

MoseToken.PNG Mose (surprised, but then softer and resolute-- leaning on his Charisma as best he can to avoid offending LE further)

I probably deserve most of yer strong words there, LE. My mind and tongue are not those well-hewn dwarven roads that Germain's are. But I've long considered you a dear friend and ally-- just as you have helped us, we're no stranger to helping you through these kind of situations. Y'know, after you inhaled the first puff of evil baddies in the swamp and fell to the ground, we were all concerned. We didn't know if this was normal for you, if you would survive, if carrying you with us would risk our party, or what had just happened. But I took it on faith that you would be okay-- I carried you through the swamp, often holding your head above the waters when even mine was submerged. We have been blessed by your presence ever since, your magic and fierce powers have gone on to save us all many times-- all so we can continue fighting for good and justice, and so we may get to the very spot we stand today.

I think you underestimate yourself and us-- as you have shown just now and before, you have one of the strongest, independent souls of anyone. Maybe you don't believe in the divine hands of fate, but truth be told there is probably no one who could carry this burden as well as you have. We all sense your inner strength (OOC nod at LE's massive Charisma). And for this unfortunate event to happen, but while you are guarded, loved, and surrounded by some of the most monster-stomping protectors of goodliness on this side of the world... It came to you rather than into the hands of the Mantatluses of the world. By my beard, it's either extraordinary luck or the hand of Alexandria. You see it as a curse, and it is, I do not doubt-- but imagine if you didn't have your inner strength and the support of powerful and caring allies behind you. As with most terrible things, the way forward is to find the silver lining and use that hope to fight the battles ahead.

Make no mistake that I am your friend and wish more than ever to protect you from the evil that is trying to gather around you. You may not have asked for this, and may fear your new powers, but that is the way with every oracle of old. And believe me when I say that even if we were not bound to protect your life by our own love for you, we now have every reason to fight to our deaths to protect you.

Take ten precautions when only five are required is the old dwarven saying, and let us be extremely careful, but I hope you can at least agree that this curse is better in your hands than most, and since that evil is surely going to come looking to stop you, we should act first to stop the evil from growing. You may not have faith that I make the best decisions, but it would be a mistake to think my sword wouldn't be a boon to help against any evil that is bent on getting your soul.

KimikaToken.PNG Kimika Well said, Mose. She reaches her small hand towards LE. We are all in this together, for good or bad. Truly friends, friends truly.

QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin Well, my dad taught me Petaran when I was a child. I left some of his journals and such with friends back in my home town, they might have enough information in them to lead us to some of his old contacts. Again, he was a merchant, so I don't know if they will be able to directly help us but they could probably point us in the right direction.

keep egg meeting rp above this line