Testimonial of Mythrian

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The Testimonial of Mythrian was written during Mythrian's Arch-Wardenship. Although one of the Children of Tragedy and presumably one of Alexandria's lifetime friends, Mythrian writes nothing of their early life in Tragidore. Instead, his Testimonial is notable primarily by her absence: the vast majority of the work focuses on the ten-year period of the Prophet's War when Alexandria was away in the West, during which time Sterros and Mythrian fought an increasingly hopeless and desperate delaying action against Gildenhome and various churches of the Demi-Pantheon in the nascent Alexia.

The Testimonial concludes with Alexandria's return from the West, her defeat of Arak in single combat, and her coronation by Falzar. Although this did not end the Prophet's War, it was the definitive turning point in that conflict, as well as the end of Mythrian's active leadership of it.

Portrayal of Alexandria Alexandria appears in the first and last sections of this Testimonial, and so appears only infrequently. Since this testimonial is not written as a story or narrative, she is never quoted or given much personality, and so is present more by her actions than her words.


  • The only Testimonial not to include any account of Alexandria's Crusade.
  • Considered a masterwork of military strategy, and ornate illuminated manuscripts are popular gifts among knights and other martial folk.
  • Written in Ubrekti