Fenefeld Fighters Quest Notes 2012-08-11
Characters involved:
An attempt was made on the life of Lortlen, the Warden of the Episcopacy. The man who attempted to kill him escaped but was captured in a town in the Tero duchy. The leaders of Fenefeld have hand-picked a group of adventurers in the city who have little to no political ties to the city. They include
Halgrog, a war cleric who has traveled from Gildenhome,
Baratz who has proven herself recently as a sorceress,
Mordred who is a rogue trying to prove he is worthy of his famous family's name,
who is a hobo but has shown great ability, and two members of the town guard named Moglan and Hvug.
The party sets out for the town and stops at a little tavern along the way. After grabbing some ales (or water, as is the case for
), the party continues on toward Harken.
Hearkening to Harken
The party makes camp.
offers to a watch, as does the rest of the party except
tumbles up into a tree and is complemented by Hvug on his great vantage point.
to eat mosquitoes and help keep watch before taking out her bedroll, curling up into a ball, and going to sleep.
ties himself on to the tree so he doesn't fall as he dozes.
The night passes uneventfully.
The party awakens and
successfully untangles himself from the tree.
They trek forward, past a small logging village. The woods are getting thicker and Hvug recommends bypassing and going around the trees. Moglin concurs, though clearly he's been hitting the ale too hard. The day passes without event and the party keeps watch as they did previously.
decides to sleep under the tree rather than in it.
The night also passes without event.
The party presses forward to Harken.
Final GM message
In-Character Awards