Fenefeld Fighters Quest Notes 2012-08-11
Characters involved:
, Hvug, Moglin
An attempt was made on the life of Lortlen Ilomontudo, the current Warden of the Forgewelle Episcopacy who was in Tero Duchy on business. This was a very embarassing affair for the elites and the Church is putting massive pressure on the Council of Princes to get to the bottom of the attempt. The reknowned hitman who attempted to kill her (Braddax Polnor) escaped but was recently captured in a southern Tero town that borders the Ulan, Harken. The leaders of Fenefeld have hand-picked a group of adventurers currently available for hire who have little to no political ties or affiliations. The chosen team includes
Halgrog, a war dwarven cleric who had recently traveled here from Gildenhome,
Baratz who has proven herself recently as a sorceress,
Mordred who is a rogue trying to prove he is worthy of his famous family's name,
who is a hobo but has shown surprisingly tenacious combat ability, and two trusted new members of the town guard named Moglan and Hvug.
The party sets out for the town and stops at a little tavern along the way. After grabbing some ales (or water, as is the case for
), the party continues on toward Harken.
Hearkening to Harken
The party makes camp.
offers to a watch, as does the rest of the party except
tumbles up into a tree and is complemented by Hvug on his great vantage point.
to eat mosquitoes and help keep watch before taking out her bedroll, curling up into a ball, and going to sleep.
ties himself on to the tree so he doesn't fall as he dozes.
The night passes uneventfully.
The party awakens and
successfully untangles himself from the tree.
They trek forward, past a small logging village. The woods are getting thicker and Hvug recommends bypassing and going around the trees. Moglin concurs, though clearly he's been hitting the ale too hard. The day passes without event and the party keeps watch as they did previously.
decides to sleep under the tree rather than in it.
The night also passes without event.
The party presses forward to Harken.
Crying Wolf
The party hears the howls of a wolf and sees a snarling wolf on their path.
hides! Soon after, another wolf pops out and charges towards
, biting into
's arm.
deftly prevents the wolf from tripping him.
pulls off a successful sneak attack and bloodies the wolf.
The first wolf charges towards Moglin and bites him but does not trip him.
tosses a magic missile at the bloodied wolf and fells him.
The mule has seen a lot of things in his time and isn't fussed by the wolves. The party continues to try to kill the remaining wolves.
pulls out a wand of Cure Light Wands and uses it on the wounded
Hvug gets another hit on one of the wolves.
critically hits one of the wolves and bloodies it.
charges the other wolf and gets a flanking bonus. The wolf staggers under the blow. Hvug punches the wolf
hit and knocks it unconscious!
finishes him off and decapitates him.
Moglin kills the other wolf with his sword.
On the Road Again
After traveling for another hour, the party makes camp.
On the first watch,
notices a humanoid that turns out to be an orc!
landed the final blow on the evil Orc and impaled him in the eye.
looted 23 silver, full set of pristine leather armor & a javelin.
The rest of the night passes uneventfully and the party continues. They make camp another day and that night passes uneventfully as well.
The party gears up and has almost reached Harken. After one more uneventful day, an uneventful night passes.
As dawn approaches, the party arrives at Harken.
City Slickers
notices a hobo sign as they enter the town.
The party goes to see the constable of Harken.
The constable wants to know why why they are there. They produce papers saying that they are to take the prisoner but they do not wish to release the prisoner to them today.
bullies the constable into letting them see the prisoner before taking him into their custody. In one cell is a hobo but in the other is what looks like an unconscious dwarf- a very powerfully built dwarf.
After the party is done at the jail,
visits the church. Zerl the Cleric at the church thinks it is odd about the whole story. He said a caravan of traders found him battered and unconscious near the Ulan border. The constable tried to claim the reward but they said he couldn't because it was part of his job. The cleric also believes that whomever hired him doesn't want him ratting them out and thinks it would be dangerous bringing him back. The party then heads over to the tavern. Moglin isn't there but
finds a wineskin that smells of ale. The barkeep says that he was there just a moment ago. A regular at the bar named Larry was there and he left with him.
gets buy one, get one free beers from the bar.
asks Hvug where Moglin is and Hvug doesn't know. Hvug steps outside to look for him.
Final GM message
In-Character Awards