Teamwork Benefit: Infiltration

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The team is adept at moving silently and unseen together.


Infiltration training involves hours of practice sneaking as a group. The team plays elaborate games of hide and seek, so that each member gets good at sharing hiding spaces, darting from cover to cover, and timing their movements to be as silent and stealthy as possible.

Task Leader Prerequisites

Hide 8 ranks, Move Silently 8 ranks.

Team Member Prerequisites

Hide 1 rank or Move Silently 1 rank.


The team can move at full speed without taking a -5 penalty on Hide and Move Silently checks. Other penalties (such as from difficult terrain) still apply, and each can take normal penalties on Hide or Move Silently checks while attacking, running or charging. Team members are always visible to each other despite their Hide check results and the presence of anything less than total concealment (although cover might still block line of sight between team members). If one can move to a position where none of his comrades can see or contact him, he loses the teamwork benefit at the start of his next turn and doesn't count as part of the team until he reestablishes contact with at least one member.

(All content on this page reproduced with apologies to Wizards of the Coast from DMG II)