Team MeFight Thirty-Seventh Session
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We see the lighthouse!
- After what seems like months, the party has finally gotten within sight of the lighthouse. Now just to cross the 100 meters or so of water.
- Tana does some scouting after being made invisible (and Marwynn thoughtfully casts status on her). She finds sharks. Lots of sharks.
- Kib and Thed make a raft that is surprisingly sturdy (DC 30), out of driftwood and hemp rope, while the rest of the party rests up.
- They sail out the next morning. They make very slow progress against the current. Then, a dire shark attacks!
- Gil jumps right in
- Marwynn casts fly on Kib, then dimension doors herself and the other squishy people out, leaving Anise, Gil and Kib to deal damage.
- Kib hovers out and starts beating the shark. Gil gets grabbed, then swallowed the turn after (swatting with his axe all the while).
- Anise gets an amazing critical hit with the Keen arrow, dealing 35+ damage. Thed uses up the 7d6 fireball, and Thoven does what Thoven do. Marwynn summons a mefit.
- The shark dies just before Gil bursts out of its belly, in a gruesome Ridley Scott-esque manner. Gil hops back on the raft, and the mefit starts to pull the raft, making going quite a bit easier.
- At Anise's request, Kib pulls out a very large shark's tooth, and gives it to her, before floating back to the raft to be helpful.
- They make it over in record time while the dire shark's (not-so-dire-)sharky friends all devour him/her.
Finally on the island!
- The party immediately notices powerful magic.
- The island itself radiates, and the statue at the base of the lighthouse does too.
- Attempting to discern any information about the island stuns both Marwynn and Thoven every time they try.
- Gil approaches the statue for a better look
- A voice warns in Sidhe that maybe this isn't the best place to be
- The statue then comes to life! Kib grabs his sister's Adamantine rapier in anticipation.
- It is a Stone Golem. Very few spells affect it, and it has DR 10/Adamantine
- The party starts wailing on it. They are, still. Maybe they will forever.
- A dire shark's tooth
- XP:
- 500 for reaching the island
- 700/600/250 7/8/9 for the dire shark
- 15xp to Marwynn for the status cast
- 25xp to Kib for remembering the rapier (and getting it made in the first place, presumably)
- If the golem is defeated: 1400/1200/900 7/8/9