Lady of the Mountain

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Ruler of Sidhe culture, kind of a demigod / "sorceress queen". Center of all political, economical, and magical decisions in and on Sidhe-Praxen. She is thought to live at the top of the highest mountain on Sidhe-Praxen and is almost never interacted with, and then only by the highest ranking elven Hierophants. As elven history and sources virtually cease after the Prophet's War, her identity and rise to power have been lost to time, secrets even to the most aged of the Sidhe. It is quite possible she has reigned for over 1000 years. Is believed to be responsible for the creation of the Exile's Gifts, suggesting she has the ability to raise the dead.

It is also possible that she does not exist and is rather a fiction created by the drudic circle to legitimize their own decisions and high status among the Sidhe.