Mefighter beta team tenth session notes

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Beyond Monstertown

  • As the party prepares to use the boat to row across the river to get the Dwarves, they note it is the first deal of the Fast of Anticipation
  • Thurmin and Uhanimara row the boat across while Byll and Gub stand by to provide covering fire (Thurmin is a damn good rower, apparently)
  • The Dwarves row back
  • The party carries on, now heading roughly south towards the mine at Draglet

Wickermen (not the bees!)

  • The party encounters a group of 7 scarecrows in a circle on the path
  • The Wickermen Goblns demand tribute to allow passage; the group has had enough of paying to get through things
  • Gub is spoken to by goblins who are wondering why he is traveling with humans, dwarves and a halfling
  • Gub is not successful in bluffing the goblins and is attacked.
  • Two other goblins use their crossbows to light two of the wickermen on fire
  • As the battle is joined, two other Wickermen are lit on fire
  • Brunner and Drem kill lots of goblins, with support from Gub's arrows and Uhanimara's spells. Thurmin even kills a couple.
  • Goblins riding war dogs emerge from the trees, but the group handles the goblin pack quite easily
  • As the one survivor runs away, there is a crashing sound south and east of the scarecrow circle and a 12 foot tall scarecrow with scythe blades for arms emerges
  • The group kills the giant scarecrow, thanks to some excellent shooting by Gub

Oh, rats!

  • At camp that night, the group is attacked by two rat swarms emerging from the woods
  • The rat swarms are joined by dire rats and were rats.
  • Uhanimara vomits out her spiderswarm, and some hot swarm on swarm action occurs

XP and Treasure

  • +25 for river crossing
  • +810 for killing the goblins and the scarecrow
  • +135 for the direrats
  • +240 for the wererats
  • +240 for the rat swarms
  • Oil of Shillelagh
  • Oil of Make Whole
  • Masterwork Sap and Spear
  • Potion of Blur
  • Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
  • Potion of Protection from Evil
  • Potion of Protection from Chaos
  • Potion of Shield of Faith