Torekk Deeperdown

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Character Stats
M Dwarf1.png
Level 3
Race Dwarf
Class Druid
Armor Torekk's Hide
Weapon(s) Masterwork Cold Iron Scimitar,Short Spears
Hometown Some city, Gildenhome


a gruff, dirty, smelly, loner-type dwarf. Clearly strong but looks like he's been living in the woods a while and his eyes have a bit of a crazy look to them. His hair is dark and wild and haphazardly chopped or burned off in places and usually has twigs or leaves in it. Usually loaded down with a stuffed backpack and a bag full of short spears on his shoulder. Very strange looking and acting for a dwarf. Other dwarves find him very off-putting and Torekk does not appear very comfortable around other dwarves.

Recent Travels

Recently met up with Mefighter beta team when he went to visit Neven b'Aaronurt but instead found his friend dead and burned. Decided to join with the Betas to investigate Neven b'Aaronurt's colleagues and plague weirdness in Draglet


After years of feeling an outsider among his own people, a young Torekk left his home with a trading band of road halflings. He traveled with them for a while, learning about the land and magic and about being a druid from some of the traders.

Eventually he got tired of going to new towns and set out on his own, hunting for small ruins and caves to explore and scavenge from. He mostly keeps to himself in the woods and hills, occasionally trading at small settlements or halfling traders and occasionally meeting up with passing druids.

Spends most of his time alone in the hills exploring forests and caves, ruins, and even the occasional graves, using his badger Benus to help him dig up stuff. More of a treasure hunter than archaeologist, but one who is doing it as much to find interesting stuff as he is to make a living. Occasionally meets up with other druids or trading areas, but generally avoids large cities. Trades scavenge and gems and anything else he comes across for supplies. Basically neutral good, but probably leaning a bit chaotic neutral.

Notable Career Kills/Victories

Self-proclaimed Mayor of Draglet. After looting and destroying much of the town.

SPOILER Torekk Deeperdown's Character Sheet (Pathfinder) SPOILER