Silverwalkers Quest Notes 2014-03-15
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Quest Notes 3/15/2014
Last game
- While the party is encamped,
Stein and
Mose detect a party of giants searching the area for something, and we are able to ambush the would-be ambushers.
- During the battle, two of the stone giants are dominated by
Kaleesarynn and will be with us for the next 11 days. We named them Mark and Joe.
The Giant King and the King of Wa
Kaleesarynn quizzed the giants over telepathy.
- There is a fortress the giants call home. It’s marked with the rabbit symbol on the giant’s map.
- There are three tribes of giants, Firesnake (fire giants?), Bear, and Wolf -- plus City Giants
- City giants are smaller than normal giants (maybe half giants or something?)
- A city giant is now king of the giants -- he killed many Jarls
- The King of Wa (the human one) apparently went to the giant’s fortress with an army and “challenged” the giant king. The giant king killed the king of Wa and by giant rules, became the king of Wa.
- Lots of other humans have come to defeat the giant king, and all have been killed.
- The party decides to set out for the nearest human village in the morning to assess the situation further.
Next Steps
Al sets off in the morning to recon the nearby village while the rest of the party sets off in the same direction in their own slower pace.
- When
Al reaches the town, he finds that it is burned and destroyed.
Al gets back to the group and reports: The giants ravaged the town about a week ago. Human refugees scattered to the west and the giants returned back into the mountains, roughly east/southeast. It was a moderately sized town, maybe 1000 people. All structures are destroyed, and no survivors were found.
- The party decides to use
Al’s transportation spells to get us all much closer to the castle and shorten an 11 day trip down to a 1 day trip.
Al hides campsite A (origin point) and wind walks Template:Quin and
LE to the new campsite and hides that campsite as well. He then treeaports back to campsite A.
- In the meantime, a gargantuan white wingless creature flies overhead, seemingly searching the ground for prey. It seems to slither through the air. Mark and Joe say it’s their mascot and that they built their fortress around it. It’s really powerful - invincible in fact - and breathes firey water, which is red in color.
Kaleesarynn orders the giants to fight any other giants they see before she departs, and the two instantly begin fighting each other.
Al then treeaports the rest of the party to campsite B, which is within sight of the castle of Wa.
Castle Wa
- The party is stopped at the castle gate by a really dumb guard that
Stein communicates with while
Kaleesarynn relays the conversation telepathically. After a somewhat rough attempt to get us into the city,
Stein memory lapses the guard and starts again, getting us in with no problems on attempt #2.
- We are met at the gate by the captain of the guard, who escorts us into the city and tells us what’s going on and who’s who.
- King and war minister (who is from Po) are away parlaying with the giants and there are several ministers who rule as regent for the young 11 year old prince.
- The captain, Goro, is the youngest/human same foreign features
- War minister from Po/Zha looks a little different than Prime minister
- Prime minister middle-aged man, taller sterner middle-aged look -- features
- Prince is a young boy, 11-year-old, precocious and adorable
Stein tells ‘’’Goro’’’ what we know about the King and the ruined town (whose name is ‘’’Nekomachi’’’ and is ‘’’Goro’’’’s hometown).
Stein also tells him how we were able to travel so fast (via Druidpower™)