Talk:Edi's Character Sheet

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Revision as of 16:37, 20 April 2014 by Slitherrr (talk | contribs)
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Since we're not starting in Udrell, you might want to make him from somewhere else. -gm

"A bit of luck" is a pretty cool ability. MATHS:

DC Percent chance normally Percent chance with "A bit of luck" Equivalent bonus
1 100% 100.00% +0.00
2 95% 99.75% +0.95
3 90% 99.00% +1.80
4 85% 97.75% +2.55
5 80% 96.00% +3.20
6 75% 93.75% +3.75
7 70% 91.00% +4.20
8 65% 87.75% +4.55
9 60% 84.00% +4.80
10 55% 79.75% +4.95
11 50% 75.00% +5.00
12 45% 69.75% +4.95
13 40% 64.00% +4.80
14 35% 57.75% +4.55
15 30% 51.00% +4.20
16 25% 43.75% +3.75
17 20% 36.00% +3.20
18 15% 27.75% +2.55
19 10% 19.00% +1.80
20 5% 9.75% +0.95

It appears that it mostly shines at making a 50/50 chance into almost a sure thing--the effect is on a bell curve. Still, for anything but a sure thing, it's at least a +1 bonus, and usually much more.-Slitherrr