Wessa Markets

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The market structure is simple in Wessia as it is dominated by a large central market which is really the only one of significance. It is simply called The Market and consisted of hundreds of stalls rounded centrally by more permanent store fronts every variety. The central stalls a replayed out in a hap-hazard fashion that changes a little nearly everyday, the warren of tight passages reminiscent of the streets of Wessia itself.

The only other market of note is one for laborers - from day laborers to guildsmen of the porters or masons, all of them can be found in this open square off of the docks called the Arms. With Ubrekt's very unequal society, an outsider could well mistake it for a slave market in other worlds except for the lack of chains and whips, so squalid are the conditions of some of the inhabitants. Like the rest of Ubrekti society the more skilled and highly paid cluster near the east side of the square where there is at least a little shade and a few benches to sit on.