Talk:Edi's Character Sheet

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So I worked out the encumbrance for Edi since he had an 8 strength, and he is one weak little shit. With a very, very light combat gear(dagger, sling, mithril shirt!) and the bare camp necessities (cold food for a few days, water for a day, tent, sleeping bag), he has enough capacity left to carry no more than a one (maaaaybe 2) days worth of food for a real adult. Edi probably prefers to ride on trips of any length, and I bet he occasionally tries to get one of the orcs to carry him because he's soooo tired ;) --Msallen

I had to have helpful halfling! --Msallen

Actually, between helpful halfling and priest lore, he is basically going to replicate the Germain skill trick of giving anyone around him +4 on any knowledge check --Msallen

Now you just need to invent a religious order for Edi to belong to. Also, my phone is now busted: somehow no one can hear me talk on it. -gm

Since we're not starting in Udrell, you might want to make him from somewhere else. -gm

bit of luck

"A bit of luck" is a pretty cool ability. MATHS:

Effective DC Percent chance normally Percent chance with "A bit of luck" Equivalent bonus
1 100% 100.00% +0.00
2 95% 99.75% +0.95
3 90% 99.00% +1.80
4 85% 97.75% +2.55
5 80% 96.00% +3.20
6 75% 93.75% +3.75
7 70% 91.00% +4.20
8 65% 87.75% +4.55
9 60% 84.00% +4.80
10 55% 79.75% +4.95
11 50% 75.00% +5.00
12 45% 69.75% +4.95
13 40% 64.00% +4.80
14 35% 57.75% +4.55
15 30% 51.00% +4.20
16 25% 43.75% +3.75
17 20% 36.00% +3.20
18 15% 27.75% +2.55
19 10% 19.00% +1.80
20 5% 9.75% +0.95

It appears that it mostly shines at making a 50/50 chance into nearer a sure thing--the effect is on a bell curve. Still, for anything but a sure thing, it's at least a +1 bonus, and usually much more.-Slitherrr

I also liked this wording: For the next round, any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result. Once you've applied this buff, the recipient gets to roll 2d20 take the best for all rolls he makes for the next round. Not so interesting low level, but once AOE effects, more spells/saves, and multiple attacks become a thing, it scales. --Msallen
Haha yeah geez. I don't know many AoEs that allow multiple d20 rolls from the attacker, but having it for multiple attacks would be a fantastic damage boost. The ray spells also qualify. -Slitherrr
I was thinking more about saving against an AoE. Seems like as level grows, the likelyhood that a round of combat is going to involve making multiple attacks and saves goes up quite a bit. --Msallen
True, I was definitely focused on actions under the recipient's control (since you can maximize your gain if you maximize the number of d20s you have to roll), but increased chance of having to save against an attack is also justified. -Slitherrr
Good against spells and effects that trigger multiple saves, like Phantasmal Killer. -gm