Wild Gnomes of the Scar

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The Wild Gnomes of the Scar are the Gnomes who journeyed into The Scar during the struggle with the Ubrekti Empire. In the centuries after the first gnomish bands plunged into the wilderness, the Wild Gnomes have carved out a thriving society for themselves in the region and represent the Scar's only population of the Goodly Races, adapting to the area so thoroughly that the Wild Gnomes chose to stay behind when their Hakani cousins returned to their ancestral homelands during Alexandria's Reign.

Skilled at camouflage, visitors to the Scar are unlikely to encounter the Wild Gnomes by chance, but they will observe the visitors and may choose to approach them. Visitors to the Scar seeking good relations with the Wild Gnomes are encouraged to avoid hostile behaviour and to bring trade goods such as metal tools or weapons, which are highly prized. The Wild Gnomes can provide gemstones, rare hides, or valuable ores and scavenged goods in trade.

Wild Gnomes tend to paint their bodies in a camouflage pattern and shave their hair.

See Also: Wild Gnomes