Talk:Kib Absold's Character Sheet
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Leveling notes (for my reference)
- 1: Prof 1(prof bonus feat:negotiator, standard feat: imp unarmed, human feat: combat reflexes, skill points: 4x(8 + 1 + 1) = 40, FRW: +2/+3/+1, BAB: +0)
- 2: Prof 2(evasion, sp: +(8 + 1 + 1) = 50, FRW: +2/+4/+2, BAB: +1)
- 3: Fighter 1(fighter bonus feat: combat expertise, standard feat: imp trip, sp: +(2 + 1 + 1) = 54, FRW: +4/+4/+2, BAB: +2)
- 4: Prof 3(stat point: +1 INT, prof bonus feat: sp (diplo) OR self-sufficient OR persuasive, depending,skill points: +(8 + 2 + 1) = 65, FRW: +5/+4/+2, BAB: +3)
- 5: Fighter 2(fighter bonus feat: hold the line OR knock down OR imp combat expertise, sp: +(2 + 2 + 1)=70, FRW: +6/+4/+2, BAB: +4)
- 6: Prof 4 (standard feat: hold the line OR knock down OR imp combat expertise,uncanny dodge, sp: +(8 + 2 + 1) = 81, FRW: +6/+5/+3, BAB: +5)
- 7: Prof 5 (prof bonus feat: skill focus (diplo) OR self-sufficient OR persuasive, sp: +(8 + 2 + 1) = 92)
- 8: Prof 6 (stat point: +1 ST or +1 WI, leadership training, sp: +(8 + 2 + 1) = 103, FRW: +7/+6/+3 OR +7/+6/+4, BAB: +6/+1)
- 9: Field Marshall 1 (standard feat: hold the line OR knock down OR imp combat expertise, heroic rally, commanding presence(skill checks), sp: +(4 + 2 + 1) = 110, FRW: +9/+6/+4 OR +9/+6/+5, BAB: +7/+2)
- 10: Field Marshall 2 (imp leadership, commanding presence (saves and init), sp: +(4 + 2 + 1) = 117, FRW: +10/+6/+5 OR +10/+6/+6, BAB: +8/+3)
- 11: Prof 7 (prof bonus feat: lightning reflexes OR iron will, sp: +(8 + 2 + 1) = 128, FRW: (+10/+6/+8 OR +10/+8/+6 OR +10/+6/+6) OR (+10/+6/+9 OR +10/+8/+7 OR +10/+6/+7), BAB: +8/+3)
- 12: Prof 8 (stat point: +1 ST or +1 WI, imp uncanny dodge, standard feat: hold the line OR knock down OR imp combat expertise, sp: +(8 + 2 + 1) = 139, FRW: +10/+8/+11 OR +10/+10/+9, BAB: +9/+4)
- 13: Field Marshall 3 (keen awareness, commanding presence(ac), sp: +(4 + 2 + 1) = 146, FRW: +10/+9/+12 OR +10/+11/+10, BAB: +10/+5)
- 14: Prof 9 (prof bonus feat: lightning reflexes OR iron will, sp: +(8 + 2 + 1) = 157, FRW: +11/+11/+12, BAB: +10/+5)
- 15: Field Marshall 4 (standard feat: hold the line OR knock down OR imp combat expertise OR weapon focus(guisarme) if going for sentinel, commanding presence(to hit/damage), commanding presence range increase, sp: +(4 + 2 + 1) = 164, FRW: +12/+11/+13, BAB: +11/+6/+1)
- 16: Prof 10 (stat point: +1 ST OR +1 CH OR +1 DX, professional development(mettle), sp: +(8 + 2 + 1) = 175, FRW: +12/+12/+14, BAB: +12/+7/+2)
- 17: Field Marshall 5 (inspiration, sp: +(4 + 2 + 1) = 183),FRW: +12/+13/+14, BAB: +13/+7/+2)
- 18: (if possible) Sentinel 1 OR Prof 11 OR Rogue 1 OR Fighter 3(standard feat: imp initiative)
- 19: Sentinel 2 OR Prof 12 OR Rogue 2 OR Fighter 4
- 20: Sentinel 3 OR Prof 13 OR Rogue 3 OR Fighter 5(stat point: +1 ST OR +1 CH OR +1 DX)
Keep Diplomacy, Intimidate, Spot, Listen, Sense Motive capped. Add at least 1 point each to the three knowledges by level 8. Add to the next as points permit (highest priority first): Heal, Bluff, Use Rope, Swim, Climb, Survival, Speak Language (as appropriate, but the more the merrier), Ride (up to whatever gives +10, +15 or +20, depending on how much mounts become a part of the campaign). Possibly work in points in hide, move silently, escape artist, etc. (but generally, hope for the thief to have those covered).
-- Holy Shit! I only sketch up to level 12. I'll be retired by the time we get to level 20! ;) -gm
- Haha, yeah, I'd just gotten to 12 and had some spare time, so I kept going. -Slitherrr 15:33, 16 September 2009 (EDT)