Mattsters of the Mattiverse Session 9
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Sneaky Summoner
- Party heads to tunnel just west of the zombie monks' cells
- At end of tunnel, they find a secret passageway.
- It goes into an occupied room (a human). The occupant turns invisible and splits.
- Mad Gokar destroys the bed. Because.
- The Mattiverse rifles through the lived-in space. They find notes on the surroundings, encoded. Russ manages to decipher some.
- Skazzyg is the name of the person
- There's a fell beast she tries not to wake up
- There is a group she is neutral with, and a group she is allies with
- There is a scary-as-fuck Outsider that everyone avoids
- The group pursues
- Apt tracks Skazzyg eagerly
- Russ keeps up with him, and notices a monster waiting in ambush in time to keep Apt from blundering into it.
- Combat ensues!
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- Russ uses the surprise round to drink a blur extract
- The beast is covered in tentacles with mouths, a pokey stinger, and is enlarged and blurry. One of its bites has 15' reach, the other three attacks all have 10' reach. He's pretty scary.
- Skazzyg pops out of invisibility long enough to cast slow on the party, which everyone but Apt resists
- Russ starts bombing things with his new staggering bombs. He misses the beast with the first one, and focuses on Skazzyg once Gokar has joined the fray.
- Gokar hulks out and sprouts an enormous set of horns and two claws. He is even more terrifying than he was to begin with.
- Apt dazes Skazzyg, which is awesome. He takes a hit or two from the summon
- From behind Edi and Apt, two Imps pop into view ("The Duke" and "The Duchess"). They try to sting party members, but aren't very lucky. They repeatedly vanish and sting, and are generally a pain in the ass.
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- Gokar gets tore into by the tentacle monster. He returns the favor with maddening fury, and the beast almost goes down (Skazzyg takes some of the damage on herself)
- There's an unearthly howl from the southeast. Skazzyg says, "Shit, we woke it up!"
- Russ manages to stagger Skazzyg on the next round. She goes into retreat mode and casts invisibility
- Edi does his bad-ass healer thing
- Gokar and tentacle beast trade another round. Gokar pummels it into paste, but does not manage to do enough damage to kill Skazzyg outright from sympathetic damage with the monster(he comes pretty close).
- The dog beast appears. It is red and glowy, and has leathery wings (the circle in the below image is the possible Skazzyg area)
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- Russ tosses another bomb at the invisible Summoner, and doesn't quiiiiite manage to finish her off with splash damage. She bolts, invisibly.
- The imps book it as well. They don't want to deal with that thing.
- The dog runs in and catches the entire party in a 30' cone of fire breath. Apt goes straight into negatives, everyone else is in pretty terrible shape.
- Edi channels us into some semblance of health. Gokar manages to hit with every one of his attacks, taking down the dog in a single round (qualifying for an achievement!)
- The party heals up a bit. Russ wants to catch the Summoner, and bolts to her room. Everyone chills in there for long enough for the min/level spells to wear off.
- The party circles up. On the way, they run into an Allip. It is handled with a combination of holy water and fire, and Russ finishes it with one final stab with Balsag's spear.
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- They continue tracking. Skazzyg's footprints are found, and followed into the zombie monks' cells. Skazzyg shrieks, and ambushes the party with a fiendish badger. She's low on hitpoints, low on spells, and generally in a crappy situation.
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- Skazzyg shoots a terrible crossbow shot
- Russ and Gokar beat the badger senseless
- Skazzyg reloads and closes a monks' cell door
- Russ proposes she give up and leave. Gokar tears the door off its hinges.
- She's summoned another badger, but isn't really participating in the fight herself. This badger, too, dies.
- Russ steps up and takes her crossbow while another shot goes wide
- She puts up a token resistance, but eventually slumps into submission. Russ manacles her, and they have a discussion
- We get her to spill the beans on all she knows about the place.
- She's here for her own research. She wouldn't mind finding the Fire Opal, but doesn't really think it's more than a legend
- The monastery was founded by a bunch of monks who started dabbling in the dark arts and dealing with fiends.
- It's currently inhabited by undead, her Imp allies (whom she deals with regularly), and a couple of lizardfolk who were trying to tame the hellhound half-dragon (whom she does not deal with at all)
- There's also the Outsider, who comes around every once in a while (rarely, but on a regular schedule when seen). She hasn't seen it in a few months, and is happy about that, because it scares the shit out of her--if past patterns hold, it's still been coming around, she's just been better at avoiding it.
- It can turn invisible, and is scary in a palpable way (sounds like an aura of fear sort of thing)
- Information acquired, Edi convinces Gokar not to kill anyone. He still takes her cloak of resistance, promising Edi to return it after (on pain of not being healed). The rest of the session has Gokar saying things about how evil and fiendish Skazzyg is, and how she deserves having her things confiscated
- The deal is, "Bugger off for a couple of weeks, come back, and we'll be gone". Sense motive indicates that she can't really think of a reason not to agree
- She's marched off.
- The party comes back to the scene of the crime, entering the Imps' abode. They come in to try an invisible ambush, but are scared off when Apt uses detect evil in their general direction
- Inside the Imps' room is a stash of almsboxes. Some of them date back to pre-Alexandrian times--the Imps have clearly made an enduring hobby out of it. There are forty in all.
- There's also a shiny mirror, and a statue. Both of these are objects that the Dockalong townswoman noted were missing.
- The whole lot goes into the Bag of Holding to be sorted out later.
- Next, the most exciting part (to Russ, anyway): Lizardfolk!
- The party heads to their quarters. Russ greets them through their in
LizardmanlanderSsel'it. They are surprised, and a bit bewildered, but not hostile. - More conversation. They're kind of miffed that we killed the dragon dog--they're two druids who were here to see if they could tame it.
- They'll probably just move on, now.
- There aren't other Lizardfolk close by--they're a lone pair (a male and a female)
- Gnolls are all over the region, but they avoid the Fire Monastery like the plague.
- They're happy to sell us some crap they don't need.
- Russ and Gokar buy antivenom. Russ also buys a featherfall scroll.
- Party rests with the Lizardfolk. They skedaddle in the morning, and the party moves on to Stage 2
- The party heads to their quarters. Russ greets them through their in
Stage 2
- We take extra precautions to make sure we're not watched, then open the secret door to the next area, closing it behind us.
- We wander East. Russ blunders into a Ghoul ambush (four of them)
- He's mostly missed, but the last ghoul gets a single claw. Of course, he fails his save.
- Gokar rushes in and does his thing. Edi gets a max channel off and obliterates two of the things. Gokar finishes off the last one. Russ stands with locked jaw
- Leading off from that room is a small corridor.
- It's trapped, with a giant block of stone!
- Apt tries to disarm it, fails.
- Gokar searches around. He finds a secret door, but no way to open it.
- He tries again with bit of luck enabled. He fails miserably (a 3, and then a 4). The block falls, missing him. But the secret door opens in the process, so it's not a total wash.
- Party heads down the secret passageway. There's a room where people are ritually prepared for burial somewhere around there (I lost most of the flavor text)
- Zombies!
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- The fight is straightforward. I mean, come on, they're zombies.
- Session ends there.
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- 50 xp to Russ for noticing the tentacle monster (and stopping Apt from wandering into its many jaws)
- 50 xp to Apt for identifying the Summoner
- 25 xp to Apt for some tricky AoO fiddling
- 400 xp Hellhound Half-dragon
- Gokar gets 10% bonus for Morituri te Salutamus achievement
- 20 xp to Edi for identifying the Allip
- 200 xp for destroying the Allip
- 50 xp to Apt for Fantasy-Grounds-Fu
- 50 xp to Russ, tracker bonus (20 to the rest for assisting)
- 600 xp for overcoming Skazzyg
- 25 xp to Russ for Interpreter achievement
- 400 xp for fighting the Ghouls
- 250 xp for fighting the Zombies