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Accounting (via

  • Small size (0 rp)
  • Dex +2, Wis +2, Int -2 ("standard, 0 rp")
  • Xenophobic (0 rp) - Start only with local language
  • Natural Armor (2 rp) - +1 natural armor bonus to AC
  • Expert climber - (climb 2 rp, expert climber 4 rp) Geckoloids have Climb Speed (20'). They receive +16 to Climb checks, don't have to make climb checks except in really severe circumstances, can always take 10 even when in danger, and can cling to walls and ceilings as long as there are handholds (basically, non-magical spiderclimb, except without the smooth surfaces)
  • Sticky fingers (1 rp) (ex) - Get a +2 racial bonus to steal or disarm combat maneuvers when unarmed (or through the Sticky Tongue ability, see below)
  • Small sticky tongue (~1 rp) (ex) - Can use tongue to make a steal or disarm combat maneuver with a 10' reach. This provokes an attack of opportunity as normal if the Geckoloid doesn't have the Improved feat for the maneuver, and if any damage is taken from the resulting attack of opportunity, this ability is not available again until the Geckoloid receives healing of some sort (roughly, a low-powered version of the 2 rp "sticky tongue" ability)

alternate is darkvision (2rp) and light blindness (-2rp)

Not a lot of tropical rainforest in the Mainland, but these guys are a good fit for the Outlands. -gm