Talk:Mad Gokar

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Weapon/Alchemical Creations to consider

Carrion bait

  • Source Undead Slayer's Handbook pg. 11
  • Price 25 gp;
  • Weight 2 lbs.
  • Category Alchemical Tools
  • Construction Craft (Alchemy) DC 19
  • Description: This large glass jar is vacuum-sealed with an airtight wax plug. Inside, festering chunks of monkey meat are covered in fungal mycelium and seeded with fly eggs, though the mixture’s potency is not evident until it’s exposed to air. Once the jar is opened (a standard action), the stench quickly becomes overpowering as the jar’s contents swell and rot at an accelerated rate. Any living creature within 15 feet of the jar when it is opened must succeed at a DC 12 Fortitude save or be sickened for 1d4 rounds. Vermin and undead have a hard time distinguishing carrion bait from rotten human flesh, but intelligent undead that succeed at a DC 15 Perception check realize the difference. Regardless, any creature that spends more than 1 round eating the carrion bait quickly realizes its error, since the bait continues to swell and grow even as it’s digested. One round after eating carrion bait, an affected undead or vermin becomes staggered for 1d4 rounds as its belly bulges to incredible proportions (other creature types cannot stomach carrion bait and instead are nauseated for 2d4 rounds). If the affected creature is already staggered, its movement speed instead decreases by 10 feet for the duration of the carrion bait’s effect. Crafting carrion bait requires a successful DC 19 Craft (alchemy) check.

Spiritbane spike

  • Source Undead Slayer's Handbook
  • Price 300 gp;
  • Weight 1 lb.
  • Category Alchemical Tools
  • Construction Craft (Alchemy) DC 25
  • Description: When you slash this alchemically treated iron spike against your flesh—a move action that deals 1d6 points of damage— the spike extends and becomes a short sword with the ghost touch weapon special ability. The spike reverts to its old form after 10 minutes, corroded and useless. Should a spiritbane spike rematerialize within a corporeal body, it is shunted to the nearest empty space without effect. Crafting this item requires a successful DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.

Desiccating lubricant

  • Source Alchemy Manual pg. 23
  • Price 30 gp;
  • Weight — 0
  • Category Alchemical Weapons
  • Construction: Craft(Alchemy) 20, (Recipe (25 cold iron + 10 salt + 10 urea)/congelation), Time 10 minutes; Tools alchemist's lab;
  • Description: This oily solution draws water out of living creatures (especially amorphous creatures), simultaneously dehydrating them and drenching their surfaces with a slick, sickly cold sweat. Desiccating lubricant can be thrown as a splash weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. A living creature struck by a direct hit from desiccating lubricant takes 1d4 points of nonlethal damage; a –2 penalty on combat maneuver checks to grapple, bull rush, or disarm; and a –2 penalty to CMD against grapple, bull rush, and disarm checks. These penalties last 1 minute. Against ooze creatures and creatures with the water subtype, desiccating lubricant deals 2d4 points of lethal damage and the penalties increase to –4.

Slime grenade

  • Source Alchemy Manual pg. 23
  • Price 100 gp;
  • Weight 3 lbs.
  • Category Alchemical Weapons
  • Construction:Craft(Alchemy) 25, Recipe (50 phosphorus + 75 quicksilver + 50 urea)/congelation; Time 10 minutes; Tools alchemist's lab; *Description:The alchemists of Nex have found several uses for the toxic residue left over from their massive ooze cultivating experiments, including a variety of items known collectively as slime grenades. These ceramic ovoids are filled with caustic sludge and capped with a stone plug. You can throw a slime grenade as a splash weapon with a range increment of 5 feet. A successful ranged touch attack coats the target with green slime, dealing 2d6 points of acid damage to the creature. If the target is wearing wooden or metal armor or wielding a wooden or metal shield, a slime grenade eats through the material on a hit, dealing 3d6 points of acid damage to the equipment and ignoring the items’ hardness. Creatures in the splash radius of a slime grenade take no damage, but any wooden or metal armor or shields they are wearing take 1d6 points of acid damage (ignoring hardness). Affected creatures can attempt DC 15 Reflex saves to halve the damage dealt to their equipment.

Ghost Hunter's Kit

  • Source USH
  • Price 670 gp;
  • Weight 22 lbs.
  • Construction ?
  • Description: This sturdy satchel is the quintessential toolkit for detecting ghosts and sending them to their final slumber. This kit includes 10 candles, three flasks of holy water, one potion of lesser restoration, a crowbar, a folding shovel, four sunrods, one spiritbane spike, and a wooden holy symbol.


  • Price Not listed
  • Dmg (S)-1d3 (M)-1d4 Critical x2
  • Range 10 ft.
  • Weight 9lbs
  • Cost ?
  • Construction Craft Weapon dc ?
  • Description: A stingchuck is a foul bag made of a humanoid’s head with the brain removed and the skull heavily scored so that it bursts open when thrown. Normally filled with biting vermin, a stingchuck acts as a splash weapon. When it hits, the vermin bite and sting the target, dealing 1d6 points of damage and forcing a DC 11 Fortitude save to avoid being nauseated for 1d3 rounds. Each round a creature remains nauseated by a stingchuck, it takes 1 additional point of damage from the biting vermin. All creatures within the splash effect take 1 point of damage from the vermin but do not risk being nauseated.