Talk:Mad Gokar's Character Sheet (Pathfinder)

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Level 6 and Above

  • pick up some knowledge:engineering before wydmoor
  • maybe a linguistic point to pick up goblin or orc from russ
  • vestigial arm or tentacle could be fun.
  • or maybe a couple armsQuaid, Start the reactor. Probably too many discoveries
  • craftlist/shopping wishlist: replace armor spikes with silver armor spikes (arcane strike should affect armor spikes?), Boro bead, preserving flask, meditation tea, Thunderstone,
    • Silver armor spikes only costs 90 gp, you could get it done while we're in Dell. -slitherrr (talk)

  • all Alchemist going forward: Gokar is redirecting his focus on his alchemy. Instead of basic fighting he's now obsessed about learning new extracts, potions, poisons, and alchemy tools. Skill points will go mostly towards knowledge, spellcraft, and craft skills and probably some UMD. The main goal of his alchemy is of course to become super strong and monstrous so he can really tear shit up in fight, but the secondary goal is having many options for extracts and magic potions. He's really a giant unpleasant nerd on super magic steroids, but not actively picking fights. However when a fight seems imminent he will try to end it quickly with massive violence. Which he will enjoy. Prestige class - Mr Hyde, but good once available.
Haha, I love that this is a great synergy with Russ's, "Be cagey all the time, and if violence appears imminent, start the fight first", approach. It's going to get us in trouble, and that will be a really fun session. -Slitherrr (talk)

  • With Feral Mutagen and Fiend Totem Rage going at level 4 who needs a weapon: 4 Primary Natural Attacks, +10 to hit: 2 Claws 1d6+7, Bite 1d8+7, Horn Gore 1d8+7.

or add enlarge person and power attack and poison and really do some damage.

Question: Where are all the strength bonuses coming from when fully hulked out? I'm having trouble reaching 28. Also, I don't think you have actually gone full on hulk this dungeon, right? (No enlarge person?)

  • 16 base
  • +4 Alchemical (mutagen)
  • +4 morale (rage)
  • +2 size (enlarge person)
  • 26 Final Score
Yeah, that what i get for trusting pcgen to compute stuff correctly. 26 is the correct value, and no Gokar has never enlarged in battle yet.
I thought it might have been some Alter Self thing which I think is some kind of ability for you, but Alter Self wouldn't stack with Enlarge Person.

Where are you getting d6 and d8 as damage for your natural attacks, or is that only when enlarged? Bite should be 1d4 and 1d3 if medium and 1d6 and 1d4 when enlarged unless I'm missing something? -gm

The header on that section is "When Hulked Out (Rage + Strength Mutagen + Enlarge Extract)", so yeah. Stone Fist + enlarge gives him the d8 fist (awesome), Toothy + enlarge gives him the d6 bite (cool!). I think he just reversed them. -Slitherrr
Yeah, that was incorrect. I guess it's a bug in pcgen as it shows bite going up to d8 when enlarged which is not right.
Note that normal damage for a bite for a Large creature is, in fact, 1d8, it's just that toothy is as a size smaller. -Slitherrr

Level 5 Plans

  • Alchemist level 3
  • +8hp
  • +1 bab, +1 will
  • bomb changes to 2d6, gain Beastform Mutagen
  • 1 more extract a day, learn line breaker
  • +10 minutes to mutagen
  • skills - +1 Craft Alchemy, +1 disable device, +1 heal, +1 knowledge arcana, +1 perception, + 1 spellcraft, +1 survival, +1 umd
  • Feat: arcane strike

New spells