Bel's Character Sheet (Pathfinder)

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Unconfirmed PCgen output:


XP 400

Male elf slayer (vanguard) 1 / investigator (empiricist) 1

CN Medium humanoid (elf)

Init +4; Senses low-light vision, Perception +7 DEFENSE

AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex) hp 16 (2 HD; 1d10+1d8) Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +2, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects

OFFENSE Speed 30 ft. Melee longspear, elven branching (darkwood) (two handed) +5 ((two handed) 1d8+1/x3) Ranged masterwork longbow +5 (1d8/x3) Melee hammer, light +4 (1d4+1) Ranged hammer, light (thrown) +4 (1d4)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Innate Spell-Like Abilities: comprehend languages ( DC , 1/day) detect magic ( 1/day) detect poison ( 1/day) read magic ( DC , 1/day)

Investigator Spells Prepared (CL 1st, concentration +5):

1st—cure light wounds STATISTICS Str 13, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8 Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 15

Feats Weapon Finesse

Skills Acrobatics +8 , Craft (Alchemy) +8 , Diplomacy +3 , Disable Device +8 , Disguise +3 , Escape Artist +8 , Heal +4 , Intimidate +3 , Knowledge (Arcana) +8 , Knowledge (Local) +8 , Knowledge (Nature) +8 , Linguistics(Orc) +8 , Perception +7 , Perception (Trapfinding) +8 , Sense Motive +4 , Spellcraft +8 , Stealth +7 , Survival +4

Languages Common, Elven, Orc

SQ alchemy, elven immunities, envoy, humanoid traits, inspiration, keen senses, lookout, studied target, trapfinding, weapon and armor proficiency, weapon and armor proficiency, weapon familiarity

Combat Gear oil (1 pint flask) (2); Other Gear masterwork studded leather, longspear, elven branching (darkwood), dagger, masterwork longbow, hammer, light, traveler's outfit, arrows (20), arrows (20/cold iron), arrow, blunt (20), chalk (1 piece), rope (silk/50 ft.), wrist sheath, spring loaded, bandolier, flour (per lb.)


Alchemy (Su) Investigators are highly trained in the creation of mundane alchemical substances and magical potionlike extracts. When using Craft (alchemy) to create an alchemical item, you gain a competence bonus equal to 1 on the skill check. In addition, you can use Craft (alchemy) to identify potions as if using detect magic. You must hold the potion for 1 round to attempt such a check. Like an alchemist, an investigator prepares his spells by mixing ingredients and a tiny fraction of his own magical power into a number of extracts, and then effectively casts the spell by drinking the extract. These extracts have powerful effects, but they are also bound to their creator. Extracts behave like spells in potion form, and as such their effects can be dispelled by dispel magic and similar effects, using the investigator's level as the caster level. An investigator can create only a certain number of extracts of each level per day he receives bonus extracts per day if he has a high Intelligence score, in the same way a wizard receives bonus spells per day. When an investigator mixes an extract, he infuses the chemicals and reagents in the extract with magic siphoned from his own magical aura. An extract immediately become inert if it leaves the investigator's possession, reactivating as soon as it returns to his keeping-an investigator cannot normally pass out his extracts for allies to use. An extract, once created, remains potent for 1 day before losing its magic, so an investigator must reprepare his extracts every day. Mixing an extract takes 1 minute of work. Creating extracts consumes raw material, but the cost of those materials is insignificant-comparable to the valueless material components of most spells. If a spell normally has a costly material component, that component is expended during the consumption of that particular extract. Extracts cannot be made from spells that have focus requirements; extracts that duplicate divine spells never have a divine focus requirement. An investigator uses the alchemist formula list (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 32) to determine the extracts he can know. An investigator can prepare an extract of any formula he knows. To learn or use an extract, an investigator must have at least an Intelligence score equal to 10 + the extract's level. The saving throw DC for an investigator's extract is equal to 10 + the extract's level + the investigator's Intelligence modifier. An investigator may know any number of formulae. He stores his formulae in a special tome called a formula book. He must refer to this book whenever he prepares an extract. At 1st level, an investigator starts with two 1st level formulae of his choice, plus a number of additional formulae equal to his Intelligence modifier. At each new investigator level, he gains one new formula for any level that he can create. An investigator can also add formulae to his book just like a wizard adds spells to his spellbook, using the same costs, pages, and time requirements. A formula book costs as much as a spellbook. An investigator can study a wizard's spellbook to learn any formula that is equivalent to a spell the spellbook contains. A wizard, however, cannot learn spells from a formula book. An investigator can also learn formulae from another investigator's or an alchemist's formula book (and vice versa). An investigator does not need to decipher arcane writing before copying that formulae.

Elven Immunities (Ex) Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.

Envoy (Ex) Elves often have trouble relating to neighbors of other races, especially those with much shorter lifespans. As a result, some are trained in minor magics that are particularly useful when dealing with non-elves. Elves with this racial trait and an Intelligence score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities once per day: comprehend languages, detect magic, detect poison, and read magic. The caster level for these effects is equal to the elf 's level.

Humanoid Traits (Ex) Humanoids breathe, eat, and sleep.

Inspiration (Ex) An investigator is beyond knowledgeable and skilled-he also possesses keen powers of observation and deduction that far surpass the abilities of others. An investigator typically uses these powers to aid in their investigations, but can also use these of flashes of inspiration in other situations. An investigator has the ability to augment skill checks and ability checks through his brilliant inspiration. The investigator has an inspiration pool equal to 4. An investigator's inspiration pool refreshes each day, typically after he gets a restful night's sleep. As a free action, he can expend one use of inspiration from his pool to add 1d6 to the result of that check, including any on which he takes 10 or 20. This choice is made after the check is rolled and before the results are revealed. An investigator can only use inspiration once per check or roll. The investigator can use inspiration on any Knowledge, Linguistics, or Spellcraft skill checks without expending a use of inspiration, provided he's trained in the skill. Inspiration can also be used on attack rolls and saving throws, at the cost of expending two uses of inspiration each time from the investigator's pool. In the case of saving throws, using inspiration is an immediate action rather than a free action.

Keen Senses (Ex) Elves receive a +2 bonus on Perception skill checks.

Lookout (Ex) At 1st level, a vanguard adds 1/2 his level (minimum 1) to initiative checks. This ability replaces track.

Low-Light Vision (Ex) You can see x2 as far as humans in low illumination. Characters with low-light vision have eyes that are so sensitive to light that they can see twice as far as normal in dim light. Low-Light Vision is color vision. A spellcaster with low-light vision can read a scroll as long as even the tiniest candle flame is next to her as a source of light. Characters with low-light vision can see outdoors on a moonlit night as well as they can during the day.

Studied Target (Ex) A slayer can study an opponent to gain a +1 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, and Sense Motive; a +1 bonus on Perception, and Survival checks attempted against that opponent; and a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against it. The DCs of slayer class abilities against that opponent increase by 1. A slayer can only maintain these bonuses against 1 opponents at a time; these bonuses remain in effect until either the opponent is dead or the slayer studies a new target. If a slayer deals sneak attack damage to a target, he can study that target as an immediate action, allowing him to apply his studied target bonuses against that target (including to the normal weapon damage roll). At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels, the bonuses on weapon attack rolls, damage rolls, and skill checks and to slayer DCs against a studied target increase by 1.. In addition, at each such interval, the slayer is able to maintain these bonuses against an additional studied target at the same time. The slayer may discard this connection to a studied target as a free action, allowing him to study another target in its place. A slayer can study an opponent he can see as a move action.

Tactician You know how to take advantage of enemies who are unprepared for your assault. You gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative checks. In addition, once per day when you make an attack of opportunity, you gain a +2 trait bonus on the attack roll.

Tireless Logic Your curious mind figures out even the most complex problems. Once per day when you make an Intelligence-based skill check or ability check, you can roll twice and take the better result.

Trapfinding An investigator adds 1 to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device checks. An investigator can use Disable Device to disarm magical traps.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency Investigators are proficient with simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, short sword, and sword cane. They are proficient in light armors, but not shields.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency A slayer is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Weapon Familiarity (Ex) Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word "elven" in its name as a martial weapon.