Talk:Beladriendir Nameroc Shimeran

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Elves can't grow beards! Everyone knows that! -gm

Maybe he had to steal a dwarven potion of Repair Beard--Bartley (talk) 14:08, 18 March 2016 (EDT)
Create beard. "This spell acts as 'disguise self', except it can only be used to generate facial hair. It provides a +10 to disguise checks specifically for the purpose of not being seen as an Elf, and a +10 to Bluff checks specifically for the statement, 'I am not an Elf'." -slitherrr (talk)
Elves having facial hair is a bridge too far! They stop being elves if they have beards! I mean, come on!
Though, if this is for some reason a stick point or you're just attached to the beard, that could be why you were kicked off the island in the first place. The beard means there's a little human there in that bloodline. Also, you're sterile. Upside, you get one of these Exile's Gift. Actually, you know what, no you don't! Eff your beard! -gm

Equipment Wishlist