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Character Scratch Area
Ability Scores
- 10 Str
- 16 Dex +3
- 11 Con
- 12 Int +1
- 10 Wis
- 18 Cha +4
Other Stats
- +1 BAB, +1 small, +3 Weapon Finesse
- MW Small Rapier +5, 1d4
- 18 AC (10 + 3 MW Studded + 1 MW Buckler + 3 Dex + 1 small)
- 18 HP
- +3 Fort (2+Con+Halfling)
- +6 Refl (2+Dex+Halfling)
- +3 Will (2+Wis+Halfling) (+2 fear)
- Halfling
- Small, 20' base speed, Languages: common, halfling, friesan.
- +2 Saving throw fear
- +1 racial bonus all saves
Levels Taken
- 1 Paladin (+10 HP) *preferred class, +1 skill
- Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil
- 1 Rogue (+8 HP)
- Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding
- +8 Handle Animal (1+3+Cha)
- +4 Heal (1+3+Wis)
- +5 Knowledge (Religion) (1+3+Int)
- +4 Sense Motive (1+3+Wis) (taken with preferred class)
- +9 Acrobatics (1+3+Dex+2 Halfling)
- +8 Bluff (1+3+Cha)
- +6 Climb (1+3+Str+2 Halfling)
- +8 Diplomacy (1+3+Cha)
- +7 Disable Device (1+3+Dex)
- +8 Perform (Dance, halfling traditional dervishy) (1+3+Cha)
- +6 Perception (1+3+Wis+2 Halfling) (+1 to find traps)
- +7 Sleight of Hand (1+3+Dex)
- +11 Stealth (1+3+Dex+4 Halfling)
Note that light enc at 10 Str goes up to 33lbs. Masterwork backpack adds +1 to STR for carrying capacity: light goes up to 38lbs with 11 Str.
Wiki sucks at tables SO MUCH. Equipment list screenshot.