Hedrafax Kaine

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A powerful Odessan wizard of note, Hedrafax Kaine, or Hedrafax the Elder, has served a variety of positions in the past three Coriander Courts. He is possessed of a great intellect, and bears all the demeanor of one University trained, and is assumed to be, though none know where.

He came to the attention of Prince Tennyson Damaren Coriander as tutor and scholar, and showed his worth during the Second Alexian Campaigns. When Prince Tennyson became King Tennyson XVI, Kaine was elevated to the Chancellory of the University of Odessa, a position held throughout Tennyson's reign. Upon the rise to the throne of Queen Eloise III, the position of Chancellor passed to his son, known as Hedrafax the Younger, while Kaine himself was granted Peerage and appointed Finance Minister, a position he has maintained through the reign of Aden I, and which he has sometimes held concurrently with other, lesser, appointments, including lifetime peerage and University fellowship (groups with predictable overlap).